IIEST, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)

Empowering the nation since 1856

आई आई ई एस टि, शिवपुर

भारतीय अभियांत्रिकी विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, शिवपुर

(पूर्व में बंगाल इंजीनियरिंग एंड साइंस यूनिवर्सिटी)

१८५६ से देश को सशक्त बनाना

Sipra Das Bit
Sipra Das Bit  Sipra Das Bit
Professor and Head, Computer Science & Technology

  • Received Ph.D(Engg) from Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg.from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 1997.


Contact Addresses

Phone (office) +91 - 33 - 26684561/62/63 Ext.
email sdasbit@yahoo.co.in, sb@cs.becs.ac.in


Research Areas
  • Wireless Sensor Network
  • Mobile Computing.
  • Interconnection Network.


Recent Publications
  • Book/Book Chapter
    • S. Mitra and S. DasBit, 'Location Management and Related Issues in Cellular Mobile Environment', Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, September, 2011.
    • S. DasBit and B. K. Sikdar, 'Mobile Computing', PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN-978-81-203-3952-1, 2009.
    • S. DasBit and S. Mitra, 'Load Balancing as a Key to enable different services in a Cellular Network', chapter XXI, Handbook of Research in Mobile Business, Idea Group Inc., ISBN 1-59140-817-2, pp 297-307, Spring 2006.
  • Journal
    • Subir Halder and Sipra DasBit, " Design of a Probability Density Function targeting Energy-Efficient Node Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks" IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (to appear), 2014.
    • Subir Halder and Sipra DasBit, "Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime by Deploying Heterogeneous Nodes" Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Science, Vol 38, pp 106-124, 2014.
    • Amrita Ghosal, Sipra Das Bit, "A Jamming Attack Defending Data Forwarding Scheme Based on Channel Surfing in Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of Security and Communication Networks, Wiley, 6(11), pp 1367-1388, 2013.
    • A. Ghosal, S. Halder and S. DasBit, 'A Dynamic TDMA Based Scheme for Securing Query Processing in WSN', Wireless Networks, Springer, Vol 18, No. 2, pp 165-184, 2012.
    • S.. Halder, A. Ghosal and S. DasBit, 'A Pre-determined Node Deployment Strategy to Prolong Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network', Journal Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol 34, Issue 11, pp 1294- 1306, 2011.
    • R. Ragupathy and S. DasBit, ' Routing in MANET and Sensor Network – A 3D Position Based Approach', Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp 211-239, Sept 2008.
    • S. Mitra and S. DasBit , 'An approach towards the query handling in mobile cellular network', Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. 63, pp 877-887, November 2004.
    • S. DasBit and S. Mitra, 'Challenges of computing in mobile cellular environment – A survey', Journal Computer Communications (Elsevier Science), Vol. 26/18, pp 2090-2105, 2003.
    • S. DasBit and A. Chaudhuri, 'Fault diagnosis in Benes Interconnection Network', IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 9, pp 700-703, 1998.
    • S. DasBit and A. Chaudhuri, 'Diagnosis of stuck-at faults in multistage Interconnection Network', Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 75, pp 22-27, 1994.
    • S. DasBit and A. Chaudhuri, 'An algorithm for identification of multiple faults in a non-redundant multistage Interconnection Network', IEE Proceedings Intelligent System Engineering, pp 435-441, 1994.
  • Refereed Conference Proceedings
    • .Banerjee, M.Mobashir, S. DasBit, 'Partial DCT-based Energy Efficient Compression Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network' IEEE CONECCT (to appear) 2014.
    • I. Dutta, R. Banerjee, S. DasBit, 'Energy Efficient Audio Compression Scheme Based on Red Black Wavelet Lifting for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network' Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE Xplore (to appear), 2013.
    • A. Ghosal, Aadirupa Saha, S. DasBit 'Energy Saving Replay Attack Prevention in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks', Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics, LNCS (to appear), 2013.
    • A. Ghosal, S. Sur, and S. DasBit, ' μSec: A Security Protocol for Unicast Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks', Int. Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (SETOP) held in conjunction with European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), LNCS, Springer- Verlag, vol 7731, pp 258-273, Sept 2012.
    • S. Halder, S. DasBit, ' A Lifetime Enhancing Node Deployment Strategy using Heterogeneous Nodes in WSNs for Coal Mine Monitoring' , ACM MSWiM, pp 117-124, Oct 2012.
    • I. Dutta, R. Banerjee, T. Acharya, S. DasBit, ' An Energy Efficient Audio Compression Scheme Using Wavelet with Dynamic Difference Detection Technique' Int. Conf. ICACCI, ACM digital library, pp 360-366, 2012.
    • S. Chaurasia, J. Sen, S. Chatterjee, S. DasBit, 'An Energy-Balanced Lifetime Enhancing Clustering for WSN (EBLEC)', Int. Conf. ICACT 2012, IEEE Xplore, pp 189-194, Feb 2012.
    • A. Dan, S. Halder, S. DasBit, 'Localization with Enhanced Location Accuracy using RSSI in WSN', IEEE ANTS 2011, IEEE Explore.
    • S. Halder, A. Ghosal, A. Saha and S. DasBit, 'Energy-Balancing and Lifetime Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network with Archimedes Spiral', Proc. 8th Int’l Conf. on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol. 6905, pp. 420-434, September 2011.
    • S. Halder, A. Ghosal, A. Chaudhury and S. DasBit, 'A Probability Density Function for Energy-Balanced Lifetime-Enhancing Node Deployment in WSN', Proc. 11th Int’l Conf. Computational Science and its Application (ICCSA), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol. 6018, pp. 472-487, June 2011.
    • A. Ghosal, S. Halder, Md. Mobashir, R.K. Saraogi, and S. DasBit, 'A Jamming Defending Data-Forwarding Scheme for Delay Sensitive Applications in WSN', Proceedings Wireless Vitae’11 IEEE Xplore, pp 1-5, February 2011 (Best Paper Award).
    • S. Chaurasia, T.Pal and S. DasBit, 'An Enhanced Energy-Efficient Protocol with Static Clustering for WSN', Proceedings IEEE Xplore, Int.Conf. on Information Networking (ICOIN), Kuala Lumpur, pp 58-63, January 2011.
    • A. Ghosal, S. Halder, S. Sur, A. Dan and S. DasBit, 'Ensuring Basic Security and Preventing Replay Attack in a Query Processing Application Domain in WSN', LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol 6018, pp 321-335, March 2010.
    • B. Sethi, T.Pal, and S. DasBit, 'An Energy-Efficient Clustering Scheme to Prolong Sensor Network Lifetime', ACM digital library, ICWET, pp 838-842, February 2010.
    • S. Halder, A. Ghosal, S. Sur, A. Dan and S. DasBit, 'A Lifetime Enhancing Node Deployment Strategy in WSN', LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol 5899, pp 296-308, Dec 2009.
    • A. Ghosal, S. Halder, S. Chatterjee, J. Sen and S. DasBit, 'Estimating delay in a data forwarding scheme for defending jamming attack in wireless sensor network, Int. Conf. on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST’09), ', IEEE CS Press, pp 351-356, Sept 2009.
    • A. Ghosal, S. Halder and S. DasBit, 'Channel Surfing – A Scheme to tolerate jamming in multiple nodes in wireless sensor networks', Proceedings Wireless Vitae’09, pp 948-951, May 2009.
    • S. Mitra and S. DasBit, 'On Location Tracking and Load Balancing in Cellular Mobile Environment-A Probabilistic Approach', ICECE, vol 1, pp 121-126, Dec 2008.
    • S. DasBit, S. Dasgupta and B.K. Sikdar, 'Spatial Query Processing with optimised set of sensors', Proceedings International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks (SENNET’07), pp 467-470, Dec 2007.
    • S. Das, S. DasBit and B.K. Sikdar, 'CA Based Data Servicing in Cellular Mobile Network', Proceedings International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN’07), June 2007.
    • S. Banerjee, S. DasBit and A. Chaudhuri, 'Fast Cache-based Processing of K- Nearest Neighbour and Ranking queries in the wireless environment', Proceedings, Asian International Mobile Computing Conference (AMOC 2007), pp 151-160, 2007.
    • S. Das(Bit), R. Mondal, K. Nandi Modak, 'An energy efficient location based service in cellular mobile environment using hybrid tree database organisation', Proceedings, International Conference Computer Information Technology (ICCIT), pp 761-766, Dec 2005.
    • S. Das, S. Das(Bit) and B.K. Sikdar, 'Non-Linear Cellular Automata Based Design of Query Processor for Mobile Network, Proceedings', IEEE International Conference Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), vol 3, pp 2751-2756, 2005.
    • S. Mitra and S. Das(Bit), 'Neural Network Based Precise Location Identification in a Cellular Mobile Network', Proceedings, IEEE International Conference Personal Wireless Communication (ICPWC), pp 403-407, Jan 2005.
    • R. Ragupathy and S. Das(Bit), 'Multi-layer cubic structure based routing for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks', International Conference on Communication, Devices and Intelligent Systems, pp 102 -105, January 2004.
    • S.Mitra and S.Das(Bit), 'Precise Location Identification in a Cellular Mobile Network', International Conference IEEE ICPWC, pp 265-269, December 2002.
    • S.Das(Bit), P.Raha and S.Mitra, 'A Distributed Probabilistic Location Management Strategy in Cellular Mobile Environment', Workshop EurAsia-ICT, October 2002.
    • S.Das(Bit), P.Raha and S.Mitra, 'A Probabilistic location management strategy in cellular mobile environment', Proceedings IEEE TENCON conference, vol 2, pp 1008-1011, October 2002.
    • S.Mitra and S.Das(Bit), 'A cost effective location management strategy in Cellular mobile environment', Proceedings The 6th CDMA International Conference (CIC’01), October 2001.
    • S.Mitra and S. Das(Bit), 'A location management strategy in cellular mobile environment using distributed searching', Proceedings International Conference IEEE 3G wireless, pp 350-355, May 2001.
    • S. Mitra and S. Das(Bit), 'Query Processing in a cellular network – A database approach', Proceedings, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2001.
    • S.Das(Bit) and A. Chaudhuri, 'Fault diagnosis in Even-Sized Shuffle Exchange Network', Proceedings, Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques applications (PDPTA),vol I, pp 271-277, 2001.
    • S.Mitra and S. Das(Bit), 'A load balancing strategy using dynamic channel assignment and channel borrowing in cellular mobile environment', Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communication (ICPWC), pp 278-282, 2000.
    • S. Das(Bit) and S. Mitra, 'Load balancing in a mobile cellular environment – A database approach', Proceedings International Conference IEEE TENCON, vol 2, pp 195-200, 2000.
    • S. Das(Bit) and S. Mitra, 'A varying per user profile based location update strategy for cellular networks', Proceedings, International Conference Communication Technology/ ICCT /WCC 2000, pp 754-760, 2000.
    • S.Das(Bit) and A. Chaudhuri, 'On-line diagnosibility of Baseline Interconnection network', Proceedings, Int. Conf. High Performance Computing (HiPC), pp 247-252, 1998.
    • S. Das(Bit) and A. Chaudhuri, 'Fault diagnosis in Cube interconnection network', Proceedings, Int. Conf. IASTED AMS, pp 446-450, 1998.
    • S.Pal, J. Parida, S. Sarkar, D.Roy, S. Das(Bit) and A.M.Ghosh, 'A machine learning approach for database knowledge representation and primary key determination', Proceedings, Int. Conf. On Cognitive Systems ICCS, vol II, pp 656-664, 1998.
    • S. Pal, J. Parida, S.Das(Bit) and A.M.Ghosh, 'Towards database knowledge representation : An information theoretic approach', Proceedings, National Conference on Advanced Database and Applications NCADA, pp 45-52, 1998.
    • S. Das (Bit) and A. Chaudhuri, 'An extension of the diagnosibility technique for non-redundant network to redundant network', Proceedings, CSI Conference, pp 106-111, 1995.
    • S. Das (Bit) and A. Chaudhuri, 'Analysis of the effect of size of Omega network on its fault tolerance behaviour in presence of multiple faults', Proceedings, Int. Conf. IEEE TENCON, vol 2, pp 628-631, 1994.
    • S. Das (Bit) and A. Chaudhuri, 'An approach towards the diagnosibility of Omega network', Proceedings, Int. Conf. IEEE TENCON, vol 1, pp 184-187, 1993.


Courses Undertaken


Department of Computer Science & Technology, BESU, Shibpur - 7111 03, INDIA