The Department of Electrical Engineering at IIEST Shibpur, is one of the best in the country providing a dynamic and scholarly environment wherein students learn independently and in collaboration with others to develop a disciplined yet innovative approach to their careers as professional engineers, researchers or teachers. The department offers 10-semester dual degree (B. Tech. and M. Tech.) course and 4-semester postgraduate M.Tech. degree course in Electrical Engineering. The department also offers research programmes leading to Ph.D. degree.
The department came into being in 1912-13 and produced its first batch of graduate electrical engineers in 1936 in the erstwhile Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur. Post-independence, when the nascent nation had just started building the power plants that have been instrumental in realizing the dreams of modern India, many of the visionaries, planners and implementers were the students of this department. The postgraduate degree was first offered in 1955 and the first Ph. D. Scholar from the department came out in 1959.
The faculty members of the department are a vibrant combination of experience and innovation. Other than excellence in teaching, they have also proven their worth by publishing a large number of papers in peer-reviewed journals and in prestigious international conferences, producing patents and successfully implementing state-of-the-art R & D projects.
The three specializations offered by the EE Dept. are:
a. Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD),
b. Power and Energy Systems (PES), and
c. Control Systems and Instrumentation, (CSI)
The department provides hands-on training to its students in various laboratories . It also provides complete high speed internet connectivity through a LAN and Wi-fi systems.

The faculty members are actively engaged in numerous collaborative and sponsored research projects. In the last few years, a number of research projects with a funding of few crores have been executed (funding from Central Government agencies) However, more than 10 research projects have also been funded by non-Government agencies. At present, about 15 different funded projects are being executed in the department.

However, all along in the history of the department, the jewels in the crown have been the students. They have worked with dedication and excellence in India and abroad, in industries and in academics and earned laurels for themselves and their alma mater. They have topped all-India examinations, won best thesis awards and been adjudged best employees in their companies.