RECRUITMENT of Junior Research Fellow for Department of Chemistry
Office of the Dean of Research and Development
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST) Shibpur
P.O. Botanic Garden, Howrah – 711 103, West Bengal, India
Project on: “Interactions of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: A Physics-based Approach”
(Sponsoring Authority: DBT, Govt. of India)
Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur
Howrah-711 103
Ref.: Advt. No. CH 1318, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 06.01.2018
[Project Code: DRC/DBT-RLF/CHEM/DG/007/14-15]
Interested candidates are requested to appear for a walk-in interview on 15thJanuary 2018 at 15.30 pm, at HOD’s office in the Department of Chemistry,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah – 711103, for the selection of following temporary post. Candidate should report their presence half an hour before the interview time.
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (Contractual): One (01) post