Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Engineering Scienceand Technology, Shibpur
(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)
No. 01/Geotech/CE/IIEST/15-16Date: 05.02.16
Sealed quotations are invited from the bonafide enlisted suppliers for the supply of the following items as per details given below. The rates must be quoted including duties, vats and transportation, fitting, fixing etc.
Sl.No. | Item | Rate |
1. | Fabrication of consolidation mould and attachments – 4 nos | Per Pc |
2. | Electrical stirrer for Hydrometer analysis – 1 no | Per Pc |
Suppliers are requested to mention the rate as per written above. They may meet at Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory for the details of the items. The authority reserves the right to select / reject any / all quotations without showing any reasons / clarification thereof. The quotations must reach to the under signed / Geotechnical Laboratory latest by 20.02.2016 (15.00 hrs).
For further details, please contact
Dr. A. K. Bera
Associate Professor and Laboratory In Charge