Notice Invitation Quotation for Office of the Controller of Examinations
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
(Formerly Bengal Engineering & Science University,Shibpur)
P.O :Botanic Garden, Howrah – 711 103,West Bengal, India
Telephone: (033) 2668-4561-63, 2668-0521-25, Fax: (033) 2668-0637
Ref No: Exam/0316 Date: 19th October 2016
Sealed quotations are invited from the bonafide organization to provide manpower support (preferably class X passed) for the Office of the Controller of Examinations during Semester Examination days only from 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM. The support services include carrying scripts to the examination halls, distribution of scripts to different departments etc. Normally there are four major semester examinations in a year and each semester examination will have duration of 7-8 days. The requirement is 15-25 manpower per day. So there may be a requirement of 100-150 manpower per semester examination.