Notice Invitation Quotation for the Photographic Society of IIEST
The Photographic Society of IIEST
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur; Howrah-711103
Advt.No:Web/PS/IIEST/16-17/26 Date:09.01.2017
Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed vendors on behalf of Catharsis, The Photography Society of IIEST, Shibpur for the purchase of Camera and Camera Equipment.
NAME OF WORK: Purchase of Cameras and Camera Equipment
TYPE OF WORK: Supply of Cameras and Camera Equipment
LAST DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIVING THE BIDS: 24th January, 2017 at 1300 hrs.
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS: 25th January (Wednesday), 2017 at 1600 hrs.