Notice Invitation Quotation for Tender reference no: e-Proc/MECH_24102018/ EDM_IIEST/91R1
e-Procurement Cell
(Professor-in-charge: Prof. P. K. Paul)
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)
P.O.: Botanical Garden
Howrah – 711 103
(An institute of National Importance under MHRD, Govt of India)
Dtd. 25/10/2018
Competitive Quotations are invited from bonafide manufacturers/dealers/agents in e-Procurement Mode for the supply and installation of 01 (one) no. Electric Discharge Machine (EDM) of reputed brand/make at Mechanical Engineering Department, IIEST, Shibpur
Tender reference no: e-Proc/MECH_24102018/ EDM_IIEST/91R1
Tender id: 2018_IIEST_399122_1
Tender Fee: Rs.1000/-
Estimated Cost:Rs. 14,00,000/-
EMD Value: Rs. 28,000/-
Last date of submission: 10/11/2018 06:00 PM IST
Technical Bid opening date: 12/11/2018 11:30 AM IST
For detail please visit: