- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee: “Evolution of interface microstructure and mechanical properties of Titanium/304 stainless steel diffusion bonded joint using Nb interlayer” ISIJ International, 2010 (in press)
- Rina Sahu, A.J. Kalinath, S. Chatterjee and K. L. Sahoo; Effect of La content on the room temperature ageing behavior of Al90-xNi6La4+x (x= 0 to 3) metallic glasses, MSEA 2009,2010, pp 1339-1342.
- Rina Sahu, A. K. Gangopadhyay, K. F. Kelton, S. Chatterjee, K. L. Sahoo; Room temperature ageing of Al-TM-RE amorphous alloys, Scripta Met., 2009, 61, 588-591.
- Rina Sahu, S. Chatterjee, K. L. Sahoo; Mechanical properties and nanocrystallization behavior of Al-Ni-La alloys, Proceedings Transaction Materials Society, 2009.
- S. K. Das, S. Chatterjee and S. Tarafder, “Effect of microstructures on deformation behaviour of high-strength low – alloy steel”, Journal of Material Science, 2009, Vol 44, pp- 1094-1100.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, “ Influence of bonding temperature on structure and strength properties of titanium and micro duplex stainless steel diffusion bonded joints”, 2009, Vol-49, No. 11, pp-1749-1754.
- Ghosh, S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, Structure and Properties of HSLA Forging steels for Naval Applications, accepted for publication in Defence Science Journal , 2009.
- S. Kundu, S. Chatterjee, D. Olson and B. Mishra: “Interface Microstructure and Strength Properties of the Diffusion Bonded joints of Titanium ôCu Interlayerô Stainless Steel” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2008 , Vol 38 A, pp- 2053- 2060.
- Ghosh, Samar Das and S. Chatterjee “ Ageing Behaviour of a Copper Bearing Ultra High Strength Steel”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, Vol 486, pp- 152-157.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “Diffusion Bonding between Commercially Pure Titanium and Micro-Duplex Stainless Steel” Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, 48091-20, pp. 316-322.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “Characterization of Diffusion Bonded Joint between Titanium and 304 Stainless Steel using a Ni Interlayer” Materials Characterizations, 2008, Vol. 59, pp. 631- 637
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “Effect of Reaction Products on Mechanical Properties of Diffusion Bonded of Titanium to 304 stainless steel with Cu interlayer Joints” The Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals , December 2008,Vol-61, pp-457-464
- K. L. Sahoo, Rina Sahu, M. Ghosh, S. Chatterjee “Studies on crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of Al-Ni-La metallic glasses”, Bull. Mater. Sci., 2008, 31 (3), 433-439.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “Structure and Properties of Diffusion Bonded Transition Joints between Commercially Pure Titanium and 304 Stainless Steel Using Nickel Interlayer” Journal of Materials Science, 2007 42 (18), pp. 7906-7912.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Diffusion Bonded Joints between Titanium and Stainless Steel with Copper Interlayer” Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2007, 12 (7), pp. 572-578.
- S. Kundu, S. Chatterjee, D. Olson and B. Mishra, “Effects of Intermetallic Phases on the Bond Strength of Diffusion Bonded Joints between Titanium and 304 Stainless Steel using Nickel Interlayer” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, September 2007, Vol. 38A, Page 2053-2060.
- S. K. Das, S. Tarafder, A. K. Panda, S. Chatterjee and A. Mitra, “ Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Cu- Strengthened aged HSLA-100 Steel”, Philosophical Magazine, 2007, Vol. 87, No: 32, P: 5065
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “Effect of Temperature on the Formation of Reaction Products and Strength Properties of Titanium and Stainless Steel joints Using Copper Interlayer” Materials science and Technology 2007, Vol. 23, Page 368-373.
- S.K. Das, N. Narasaiah, S. Sivaprasad, S. Chatterjee and S. Tarafder, “Effect of ageing on fatigue crack growth behabviour of Copper bearing HSLA-100 steel”, Materials science and Technology, 2007, Vol 23,No: 2
- A Ghosh , R. Shukla, Samar Das and S. Chatterjee, “ The Structure and Properties of a Thermo – mechanically Processed Low Carbon High Strength Steel”, Steel Research International, 2006 April, No 4, PP- 276-283
- S.Das, S. Kundu, A. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, “ Structure and properties of HSLA-100 steel for automotive applications”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India)”, 2006 April, Vol-87, pp1-6.
- Ghosh, Samar Das, S. Chatterjee, P. Ramachandra Rao “ Effect of cooling rate on structure and property of an ultra low carbon HSLA – 100 grade Steel” Material Characterization.,2006, Vol- 56, pp 59- 65.
- S.K. Das, S.Sivaprasad, S.Das, S. Chatterjee and S.Tarafder: “ The Effect of Variation of Microstructure on Fracture Mechanics Parameters of HSLA – 100 Steel”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, Vol-431, pp 68-79.
- D.Das, G,sutradhar, S. Chatterjee and S.Kumar “Development of Copper- Infiltered sintered bush bearings”, Manufacturing Tecnology & Research, 2006 January, Vol- 2, No 1 & 2, pp 71-74.
- S.K. Das, S. Chatterjee and S. Tarafder: “Study on Tensile Fracture Behaviour of Microstructurally Engineered Copper Bearing High Strength Low Alloy Steel” Materials Science and Technology, 2006,Vo-22, No:12, pp1409.
- Ghosh, R. Shukla ,Samar Das, and S. Chatterjee,” The Structure And Properties of A Thermo-mechanically Processed Low Carbon High Strength Steel” accepted for publication in Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy. 2006, Vol 33 (4), pp 203 – 210.
- Samar Das, A. Ghosh, S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, Structure and properties of HSLA forging for application in automobiles Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India), 2006, April, Vol – 87, pp 1-6.
- S. Kundu, M. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Diffusion bonding of commercially pure titanium and 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering , 2006, Vol- 428, pp 18-23.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, Effect of bonding temperature on interface microstructure and properties of Ti-304 stainless steel diffusion bonded joints with Ni interlayer, Material Science and Technology, 2006,Vol-22, No: 10, pp1201-1207
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, Effect of Bonding Time on Structure and Properties of Transition Joints Between Commercially Pure Titanium and 304 Stainless Steel with Nickel Interlayer, Trans IIM, 2006, Vol-59, pp- 481- 489
- A Ghosh, S. Chatterjee and Sanak Mishra, Structure and properties of a low carbon copper bearing ultra high strength steels, Trans IIM, 2006 June, Vol- 59, N0-3,pp 337-359.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee “ Interfacial microstructure and mechanical properties of the diffusion bonded joints of titanium to stainless steel with nickel interlayer” Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, Vol 425, pp 107 - 113.
- A Ghosh, B. Mishra, S. Das and S. Chatterjee, "Microstructure, Properties and age hardening behaviour of a thermo-mechanically processed ultra low carbon Cu bearing high strength steel", Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A, 2005, Vol. 36A, Mid-March, pp. 703-713.
- M. Ghosh, S. Das, P. S. Banerjee and S. Chatterjee, "Variation in the reaction zone of solid state bonded commercially pure Titanium and 304 stainless steel", Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 390, 2005, pp.217-226.
- M. Ghosh, S. Kundu, S. Chatterjee and B. Mishra, "Influence of Interface Microstructure on the strength of the transition joint between Ti-6Al-4V and stainless", accepted for publication in Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A,2005, Vol 36A, pp 1891-1899.
- M. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, “Effect of interface microstructure on the bond strength of the diffusion welded joints between titanium and stainless steel”, Materials Characterization, 2005,Vol 54, pp 327-337.
- Ghosh, B. Mishra, S. Das and S. Chatterjee, Structure and properties of a low carbon Cu bearing high strength steel, Materials Science & Engineering A 2005, Vol. 396, No. 1-2, pp. 320-332.
- Ghosh, Samar Das and S. Chatterjee, "Ultra High strength Hot Rolled Microalloyed Steel : Microstructure and Properties" in press Materials Science & Technology, 2005 Vol 21(3) PP 325 – 333
- A. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Characterisation of precipitates in an ultra low carbon Cu bearing high strength steels: a TEM Study, Materials Characterisation, 2005, Vol 55, pp 298 – 306
- A. Ghosh, B. Mishra and S. Chatterjee, Development of low carbon micro- alloyed ultra high strength steels, Materials science forum , 2005, Vol 500- 501, pp 551 – 558.
- S. Kundu, M. Ghosh, A. Laik, K. Bhanumurthy, G. B. Kale and S. Chatterjee, Diffusion Bonding of commercially pure titanium to 304 stainless steel using copper interlayer, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005, Vol 407, pp 154-160.
- Samar Das, A. Ghosh, S. Chatterjee and P. Ramachandrarao, Effect of cooling rate on structures and properties of an ultra low carbon HSLA forging, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), 2005, April, pp 37 – 44
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, “Interface Structure and Strength Properties of Titanium-Ni- Stainless Steel Diffusion Bonded Joints” The Third International Conference on structure, processing and properties of Materials, SPPM 2010, 24-26 February 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- S. Chatterjee, “Failure analysis and Subsequent remedial measures of some strategic components”,published in conference proceedings of National seminar on failure analysis organized by Tata Steel and IIM, Jamshedpur Chapter, 2010,
- S. Kundu, A. Ghosh, Samar Das and S. Chatterjee, “Ageing Behaviour of Boron Bearing HSLA Steel” International conference on Micro-alloying2007, Kolkata 9-11th March 2007.
- S. Chatterjee, “Ultra High Strength Steel for Defence Applications – An Overview”, published in conference proceedings of Workshop on Advancements in Steels for Defence Applications organized by the National Metallurgical Laboratories, Jamshedpur, 2008
- S. Chatterjee “Metallurgy of High Strength Steels For Civil and Defence Vehicles”, published in conference proceedings of Workshop on Selection and Characterisation on steels for transportation Industries organized by the Indian Institute of Metals, Kolkata, 2008
- S. Kundu, A. Ghosh, S. Das and S. Chatterjee,“Ageing Behaviour of Boron Bearing HSLA Steel”, published in conference proceedings of International conference on Microalloying 2007”,organized by IIM BESUS Chapter, TMS & BESU, Kolkata 9-11th March 2007.
- R. Shukla, S. Kundu, Samar Das and S. Chatterjee, “Structure and Properties of an Ultra Low Carbons Ti Micro-alloyed Steel”, published in conference proceedings of International conference on Microalloying 2007”,organized by IIM BESUS Chapter, TMS & BESU, Kolkata 9-11th March 2007.
- S. K. Das, S. Chatterjee and S Tarafder, “Influence of Copper Precipitation on Fracture Mechanics Parameters in a Microalloyed HSLA Steels”, published in conference proceedings of International conference on Microalloying 2007”,organized by IIM BESUS Chapter, TMS & BESU, Kolkata 9-11th March 2007.
- Arpan Das, S K Das, S Sivaprasad, S Chatterjee, S Tarafder, “Aging Effect on Mircovoids Formation in HSLA Steel”, published in conference proceedings of International conference on Microalloying 2007”,organized by IIM BESUS Chapter, TMS & BESU, Kolkata 9-11th March 2007.
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, “Interface Structure and Properties of Titanium- Ni-Stainless Steel diffusion Bonded Joints”, published in conference proceedings of NCETEM 2007, Patiala, Punjab, 2007
- S. Kundu and S. Chatterjee, “Structure and Properties of Diffusion Bonded Transition Joints between Commercially Pure Titanium and 304 Stainless Steel Using Nickel Interlayer”, published in International conference ICCAMP, IIT Khargapur 2006
- S Chatterjee, “Development of HSLA steel in Global Scenario”, published in conference proceedings of Workshop on HSLA Steel, Colorado, Organised by ASM, USA 2005 (invited lecture)
- A Ghosh, B Mishra and S Chatterjee, “Development of Low Carbon Copper bearing High Strength Steel” published in conference proceedings of International conference on Steel, Spain, 2005
Department of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering , BESU, Shibpur - 7111 03, INDIA |