Prof. (Dr.) Shyamal Chatterjee, FIE
Professor and Ex. Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. IIT Kanpur 1996
- M.Tech. IIT, Kanpur 1991
- B.M.E (Hons.) Jadavpur University 1989
- Office: 2668 4561-4564 (Ext. 802/279)
- Residence: +91 98365 96135
- E-mail: shy@mech.iiests.ac.in, shychat@gmail.com
Area of Research
- Dynamics
- Vibration and Control
Courses Undertaken
Under Graduate
- Measurement & Control ME 404 (4th Semester)
- Kinematics of Mechanisms ME 505 (5th Semester)
- Elective-I : NC/CNC Machine Tools ME 705/8 (7th Semester)
- Dynamics of Machines and Vibration (ME 603)
Post Graduate
- Theory of Mechanical Vibration
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems
Recent Publications (Last 10)
- Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee , Analysis and Synthesis of Modal and Non-Modal Self-excited Oscillations in a Class of Mechanical Systems with Nonlinear Velocity Feedback, Journal of Sound and Vibration 334 (2015) 296-318.
- R.K. Mitra, S. Chatterjee and A. K. Banik, Limit Cycle Oscillation and Multiple Entrainment Phenomena in a Duffing Oscillator under Time-delayed Displacement Feedback. Journal of Vibration and Control (in Press) (2015)
- Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee, Modelling and design of direct nonlinear velocity feedback for modal self-excitation in a class of multi degrees-of-freedom mechanical systems. Journal of Vibration and Control 1-17 (2015) DOI: 10.1177/1077546315582292
- Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee, Modal self-excitation by nonlinear acceleration feedback in a class of mechanical systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration 376 (2016) 1-17.
- Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee, Amplitude controlled adaptive feedback resonance in a single degree-of-freedom mass-spring mechanical systems. Procedia Engineering 144 (2016) 697-704.
- Jayasi Nath and S. Chatterjee, Tangential acceleration feedback control of friction induced vibration. Journal of Sound and Vibration 377 (2016) 22-37.
- Anindya Malas and Shyamal Chatterjee, Modal self-excitation in a class of mechanical systems by displacement feedback. Journal of Vibration and Control, (2016) 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/1077546316651786
- Jayasi Nath and S. Chatterjee, Nonlinear control of stick-slip oscillation by normal force modulation. Journal of Vibration and Control (2016) Accepted for publication. doi: 10.1177/1077546316661046
- Anuja Roy, A. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Influence of tuning of passive TLD on the seismic vibration control of elevated water tanks under various tank-full conditions , Structural Control and Health Monitoring (2016) Accepted
- Ranjan Kumar Mitra; Atul K Banik, and Shyamal Chatterjee, State feedback control of surge oscillations of two-point mooring system, Journal of Sound and Vibration 386 (2017) 1-20.