Dr. Subhasis Bhaumik
Aerospace Engineering & Applied Mechanics
Academic Qualifications
• Ph.D (Department of Production Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 1996)
• ME (Department of Production Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 1992)
• BE (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of North Bengal, 1990)
• Office: +91 33 2668 4561 to 63 (Ext. 256 / 271 / 267 /277)
• Mobile: +91 98360 44278
• Residence: 832 Kalikapur (512 Purbalok), P.O. - Mukundapur, Kolkata - 700099
• E-mail: sbhaumik_besu@yahoo.co.in, subhasis@aero.iiests.ac.in, dean.research@iiests.ac.in
Area of Research
• Mechatronics - Intelligent Innovative Product Development, bio-mechatronics
• Robotics - Grippers, Sensors, Actuators, Image Processing, bio-robotics
• Mobile Robotics - Path Planning , Navigation, Guidance and Control
• Orthotic and Prosthetic Devices / Bio-signal / Brain Computer Interface (BCI)
• Human Machine Interface / Cyber Physical System
• Industrial Automation, CAD/CAM, 3D Printing
• Rural Technology
• Smart Material & Microgripper
Courses Undertaken
• Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Material
• Mechanism & Dynamics of Machines
• Compressible Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines
• Engineering Drawing / Advanced Manufacturing Technology, CAD / CAM, Non Traditional Machining
• Manufacturing Technology, Machining Process
• Industrial Automation & Numerical Control (NC) / CNC Technology
• Robots & Flexible Manufacturing
• Tool Design, Machine Tool Design, Facility Design & Analysis
• Project Planning and Monitoring
• Mechatronics System Design
• Hydraulic Drives & Fluidic Devices
• Mechatronics Bridge Course (Mechanical)
• Aerospace - Navigation
Research Projects
- BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India “Development of a Sensor Integrated Multi-Fingered Dexterous Robot Hand with Data Glove Interface”, 2010-2013 (PI)
- SERB, DST, New Delhi “Multisensory Myoelectric Controlled Intelligent Active Ankle-Foot Prosthesis”, 2013-2016 (PI)
- Indo-US Centre for Research Excellence in Fabrionics (IUCREF) – “Design and Analysis of Compliant Micro Gripper Based on Micromechanism”, 2009-2011 (PI)
- DST (Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development - SEED Division), New Delhi, “Development of Indigenous Low Cost Pressure Mat Based Gait Analyzer”, 2012-2015, (Co-PI), collaborating organization - National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped (NIOH), Kolkata (MSJ&E, Govt. of India)
- DST-FIST – “Development of Shake Table, Cyclic Loading and Wind Tunnel” (Departmental Project)
- Department of Science and Technology (DST), SERC, New Delhi, “Development of an Autonomous Mobile Robot for Stair Navigation”, 2001-2004, Completed (PI).
- All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, RPS “Design Analysis and Simulation of Micro electro Mechanical Robotic Systems Integrated with Mechatronics Sensors Actuators and Control”, 2006-2009 (PI)
- The Institution of Engineers (I) R&D Project “Development of Autonomous Blimp for Aerial Surveillance” 2011-2012 (PI)
- All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, R & D “Development of a Sensor Integrated Servo Controlled Hydraulic Robot with Stewart Platform Based Anthropomorphic Multi-degrees of Freedom Dexterous Hand” 2001-2004, Completed (PI).
- University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, Major Research Project “Machine Vision for Industrial Applications”,1999-2002, Completed (PI).
- L&T, Kansbahal, Orissa “Mechanism Analysis of Road Stabilizer-Cum-Miller Vehicle” 2003, Completed (PI)
PATENT (Applied for - under processing)
- An improved Robotic Ankle foot system to provide adaptive and active mobility solution for Transtibial amputees and a method for the same
- Development and Control of Active Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Mobility Enhancement and Regeneration
Recent Publications
- “Occupancy Grid Map Generation using 360° Scanning Xtion Pro Live for Indoor Mobile Robot Navigation” 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI-2016), January 8-10, 2016, Kolkata, India
- Srijan Bhattacharya, Ritwik Chattaraj, Arindam Patra, Mallar Das, Bikash Bepari and Subhasis Bhaumik, “Simultaneous Parametric Optimization of IPMC Actuator for Compliant Gripper”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, International Journal of Springer, Vol. 16, No. 11, October 2015, pp. 312–325. DOI: 10.1007/s12541-015-0294-8
- “IPMC Based Data Glove for Finger Motion Capturing” AIR '15, July 02 - 04, 2015, Goa, India ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3356-6/15/07 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/ 2783449.2783500
- “Modeling, Simulation and Control Architecture for Lower Limb Active Exoskeleton” AIR ’15, July 02 - 04, 2015, Goa, India, ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3356-6/15/07DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/ 2783449.2783473
- “Development of Series Elastic Actuator based Myoelectric Knee Exoskeleton for Trajectory generation and Load” AIR ’15, July 02 - 04, 2015, Goa, India, ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3356-6/15/07 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/ 2783449.2783472
- “Tele-Operation of Robot Hand Exploiting Human Hand Synergy” AIR '15, July 02 - 04, 2015, Goa, India, ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3356-6/15/07, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/ 2783449.2783483
- “Novel approach of IPMC actuated finger for micro-gripping” 4th IEEE Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2015 International Conference on, 15-18 June 2015, Fukuoka, Japan, Print ISBN:978-1-4673-6901-5, DOI: 10.1109/ICIEV.2015.7334029
- Srijan Bhattacharya, Bikash Bepari and Subhasis Bhaumik, “IPMC Actuated Compliant Mechanism Based Multi-Functional Multi-Finger Micro-Gripper”, Mechanics based Design of Structures and Machines, International Journal of Taylor & Francis, Vol. 42, Issue 03, May 20, 2014, pp. 312–325. DOI:10.1080/15397734.2014.899912.
- “Design and Control of Two Fingered Compliant Gripper for Micro Gripping” IEEE 3rd Intl. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2014), May 2014, Bangladesh 978-1-4799-5180-2/14©2014 IEEE Xplore
- “Conceptual Design of a Powered Ankle-Foot Prosthesis for Walking with Inversion and Eversion” 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, ICIAME 2014, G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology, Gujrat, March 2014 (Procedia Technology, SciVerse Science Direct, Elsevier)
Book Chapter
- “Non Contact 2D and 3D Shape Recognition by Vision System for Robotic Prehension”, published in the Book “Robot Vision”, InTech Book, Vienna Austria, ISBN 978-953-307-077-3
- “On the Development of an Intelligent Mobile Robotic Vehicle for Stair Navigation”, published in the book "Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Foundation and Applications" published by Springer-Verlag, Germany.
- “Selection of Robotic Grippers under MCDM Environment – An Optimized Trade Off Technique”, Book Chapter Springer series: Soft Computing Techniques in Engineering Applications, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 543, Zhong, Baojiang (Eds.) ISBN 978-3-319-04692-1
- “Technologies for Lower Body Exoskeleton – Current Trends and Future Direction”, published in the book “Biomedical Engineering & Assistive Devices” published by Copal Publishing, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-83419-08-1
- “Technology in Gait Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Able and Disabled Walking Performance”, published in the book “Biomedical Engineering & Assistive Devices” published by Copal Publishing, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-83419-08-1
- "Hand Exercising Exoskeleton: An Aging Assistive Device for Rehabilitation", Soumya Manna, Prasanna Kumar Lenka, Subhasis Bhaumik in the book "Optimizing Assistive Technologies for Aging Populations" by Yosry S. Morsi, Anupam Shukla and Prakash Rathore, IGI Global, ISBN 978-1-4666-9530-6, 2015.