IIEST, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)

Empowering the nation since 1856

आई आई ई एस टि, शिवपुर

भारतीय अभियांत्रिकी विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, शिवपुर

(पूर्व में बंगाल इंजीनियरिंग एंड साइंस यूनिवर्सिटी)

१८५६ से देश को सशक्त बनाना

Biplab K. Sikdar
Biplab K. Sikdar Biplab K. Sikdar
Professor ,   Computer Science & Technology
  • PhD from Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, in 2003.
  • M. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Calcutta University, in 1990.
  • B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Calcutta University, in 1988.
  • B. Sc(H) in Physics from Presidency College, Calcutta University, in 1985.


Contact Addresses
, West Bengal, India
Phone (office) +91 - 33 - 26684561/62/63 Ext.
Mobile +91 -


Research Areas


Recent Publications
  • Genetic algorithm based state assignment scheme for synthesis of testable FSMs targeting area and delay: S Roy, S Bandyopadhyay, U Maulik and Biplab K Sikdar; Intl. Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2002, pp. 45-52.
  • Generalized Multiple Attractor Cellular Automata(GMACA) Model for Associative Memory: Niloy Ganguly, Pradipta Maji, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Intl. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI); Vol. 16, No. 7, November, 2002; pp 781-795.
  • Design of Hierarchical Cellular Automata For On-Chip Test Pattern Generator: Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly and P Pal Chaudhuri; IEEE Trans on CAD; Vol. 21, No. 12, December 2002; pp 1530-1539.
  • Fan-in-Factor and Fan-out-Factor (FiF-FoF) oriented BIST design for sequential machines: S Roy, U Maulik, S Bandyopadhyay, S Basu and Biplab K Sikdar; IEE Proceedings of Computer and Digital Techn- iques; Vol 150, issue 3, May 2003, pp 183-188.
  • Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata for Pattern Classification: Pradipta Maji, Chandrama Shaw, Niloy Ganguly, Biplab K Sikdar, B N Roy and P Pal Chaudhuri; Fundamenta Informaticae, 58(3-4), pp: 321-354, 2003.
  • Design and Characterization of Cellular Automata Based Associative Memory for Pattern Recognition: Niloy Ganguly, Pradipta Maji, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, Vol 34, No. 1, February 2004, pp 672-679.
  • Generation of Test Patterns Without Prohibi- ted Pattern Set: Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly and P Pal Chaudhuri; IEEE Transaction on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), vol.23, issue 12, December 2004; pp 1650-1660.
  • A degree-of-freedom based synthesis scheme for sequential machines with enhanced BIST quality and reduced gate area: Biplab K Sikdar, S Roy and Debesh K Das; Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), vol 21, issue 1, January 2005; pp 83-93.
  • Fault Diagnosis of VLSI Circuits with Cellular Automata Based Pattern Classifier: Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly and P Pal Chaudhuri; IEEE Transaction on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), vol. 24, no 7, July, 2005; pp 1115-1131.
  • Design of non-linear CA based TPG without Prohibited pattern set in linear time: Sukanta das, Anirban Kundu, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications(JETTA), vol 21, issue 1, January 2005; pp 95-107.
  • Fixed Spectral Coefficients for Detecting Multiple Stuck-at Faults in Combinational Circuits: Biplab K Sikdar, Debesh K Das and Bhargav B Bhattacharya; 4th Intl. Workshop on Applications of the Reed Muller Expansion in Circuit Design, 1999, Canada; pp 133-137. [12].Theory and Application of Cellular Automata for VLSI design and testing: P Pal Chaudhri, D R Chowdhuri, Kolin Paul and Biplab K Sikdar; 13th International Conference on VLSI Design, January 2000, India; pp 4-4. 
  • Theory and Application of GF(2p) Cellular Automata As On-Chip Test Pattern Generator: Biplab K Sikdar, Kolin Paul, Gosta Pada Biswas, Vamsi Boppana, Cliff Yang, Sobhan Mukherjee and P Pal Chaudhuri; 13th Intl. Conference on VLSI Design, Jan 2000, India; pp 556-561.
  • GF(2p) CA Based Vector Quantization for Fast Encoding of Still Images: Kolin Paul, Santoshil Pal Chaudhuri, Ranadeep Ghosal, Biplab Sikdar and D Roy Choudhury; 13th International Conference on VLSI Design, Jan 2000, India; pp140-143.
  • Hashing Through Cellular Automata: Niloy Ganguly, Debasish Halder, Janmejoy Deb, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; 8th Intl. Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, December 2000, India; pp 95-101.
  • GF(2p) Cellular Automata as a Built In Self Test Structure: Biplab K Sikdar, Debesh K Das, Vamsi Boppana, Cliff Yang, Sobhan Mukherjee and P Pal Chaudhuri; ASP-DAC, Jan-Feb 2001, Japan; pp 319-324.
  • Design of Multiple Attractor GF(2p)Cell- ular Automata for Diagnosis of VLSI Circuits: Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly, Purnabha Majumder, and P Pal Chaudhuri; 14th International Conference on VLSI Design, January 2001, India; pp 454-459.
  • Hierarchical Cellular Automata as an On-Chip Test Pattern Generator: Biplab K Sikdar, Purnabha Majumder, M Mukherjee, Niloy Ganguly, Debesh K Das and P Pal Chaudhuri; 14th Intl. Conference on VLSI Design, January 2001, India; pp 403-408.
  • Multiple Attractor Cellular Automata for Hierarchical Diagnosis of VLSI Circuits: Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly, Aniket Karmakar, Subha Sankar Chowdhury and P Pal Chaudhuri; Asian Test Symposium, November 2001, Japan; pp 385-390.
  • Enhancing BIST Quality of Sequential Machines Through Degree-of-freedom Analysis: Biplab K Sikdar, Samir Roy and Debesh K Das; Asian Test Symp, November 2001, Japan; pp 285-290.
  • Evolving Cellular Automata Based Associ- ative Memory for Pattern Recognition: Niloy Ganguly, Arijit Das, Pradipta Maji, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; 8th Intl. Conference on High Performance Computing, December 2001, India; pp 115-124.
  • GF(2p) Cellular Automata as a Message Digest Generator: Monalisa Mukherjee, Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly and P Pal Chaudhuri; 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, Dec 2001, India; pp 205-212.
  • Cellular Automata Based Hamming Hash Family: Synthesis and Application: Niloy Ganguly, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; 9th Intl. Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, December 2001, India; pp 213-220.
  • Study of Non-linear Cellular Automata Model for Pattern Recognition: Pradipta Maji, Niloy Ganguly, Arijit Das, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Cellular Automata Conference, November 2001, Japan; pp 187-192.
  • Hierarchical Cellular Automata Model For VLSI Testing: Biplab K Sikdar, Niloy Ganguly, Debesh K Das and P Pal Chaudhuri; Cellular Automata Conference, November 2001, Japan; pp 90-95.
  • Cellular Automata Model for Cryptosystem: Niloy Ganguly, Arijit Das, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Cellular Automata Conference, Nov 2001, Japan; pp 120-125.
  • Design of On-Chip Test Pattern Generator Without Prohibited Pattern Set (PPS): Niloy Ganguly, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; 15th International Conference on ASPDAC/VLSI Design, January 2002, India; pp 689-694.
  • Degree-of-Freedom Analysis for Sequential Machines Targeting BIST Quality and Gate Area: Samir Roy, Biplab K Sikdar, Monalisa Mukherjee and Debesh K Das; 15th Intl. Conference on ASPDAC/VLSI Design, 2002, January India; pp 671-676.
  • Characterization of Non-linear Cellular Automata Model for Pattern Recognition: Niloy Ganguly, Pradipta Maji, Arijit Das, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; AFSS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2002, India.
  • Evolving Cellular Automata as Pattern Classifier: Niloy Ganguly, Pradipta Maji, Sandip Dhar, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; 5th Intl. Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2002, Switzerland; pp 241-.
  • Evolving Cellular Automata Model for PatternClassification and Recognition: Sourav Saha, Pradipta Maji, Niloy Ganguly, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2002, Tunisia; pp 114-119.
  • Design of a scalable logical topology for reliable optical communication: U Bhattacharya, R Chaki, N Chaki and B K Sikdar; IEEE Intl. Conference TENCON02, Oct 2002, Beijing, China; pp 1209-1212.
  • A congestion-controlled logical topology for multihop optical networks: U Bhattacharya, D Datta, B Chowdhury, G C Saha and B K Sikdar; IEEE International Conference TENCON02, Oct 2002, Beijing, China; pp 416-418.
  • An Evolutionary Design of Pseudo-Random Test Pattern Generator without Prohibited Pattern Set (PPS): Niloy Ganguly, Anindyasundar Nandi, Sukanta Das, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Asain Test Symposium, November 2002, Guam, USA; pp 260-265.
  • A reliable & scalable logical topology for multihop optical networks: U Bhattacharya, D Datta, B Chowdhury, G C Saha and B K Sikdar; Intl. Conference CIT, December 2002, Bhubaneswar, India.
  • Design of a Universal BIST (UBIST) Structure: Sukanta Das, Niloy Ganguly, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; 16th International Conference on VLSI Design, 2003, Delhi, India; pp 161-166.
  • Exploring Ghost-FSMs as a BIST Structure for Sequential Machines: S Roy, U Maulik and Biplab K Sikdar; 16th Intl. Conference on VLSI Design, 2003, Delhi, India; pp 155-160.
  • Efficient BIST design for Sequential Machines using FiF-FoF values in machine states: S Roy, U Maulik, A Bandyopadhyay, S Basu and Biplab K Sikdar; ASP-DAC, 2003, Japan; pp 875-878.
  • Power Conscious BIST Design for Sequen- tial Circuits using Ghost-FSM: S Roy and Biplab K Sikdar; Asian Test Symposium, 2003, Xian, China; pp 190-195.
  • Non-Linear Cellular Automata based PRPG Design (Without Prohbited Pattern Set) in Linear time Complexity: Sukanta Das, Anirban Kundu, Subhayan Sen, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Asian Test Symp, 2003, Xian, China; pp 78-83.
  • An Efficient Design of Non-Linear CA based PRPG for VLSI Circuit Testing: Sukanta Das, Debdas Dey, Subhayan Sen, Biplab K Sikdar and Pal Chaudhuri; ASPDAC, 2004, Japan; pp 110-112.
  • Cellular Automata Evolution For Pattern Classification: P Maji, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Sixth Intl. Conference on Cellular Automata For Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, Netherlands, October 2004; pp 660-669.
  • Cellular Automata Evolution For Dist- ributed Data Mining: P Maji, Biplab K Sikdar and P Pal Chaudhuri; Sixth Intl. Conference on Cellular Automata For Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, October 2004; pp 40-49.
  • Cellular Automata based Encompression Tech- nology for Voice Data Encompression: C Shaw, P Maji, S Saha, B K Sikdar, S Roy, P. Pal Chaudhuri; Sixth Intl. Conference on Cellular Automata For Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, Netherlands, October 2004; pp 258-267.
  • Characterization of reachable/non- reachable Cellular automata states: Sukanta Das, B K Sikdar, P Pal Chaudhuri; Sixth Intl. Conference on Cellular Automata For Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, Netherlands, Oct 2004; pp 813-822.
  • Non-linear CA based scalable design of on-chip TPG for multiple cores: Sukanta Das, Biplab K Sikdar, P Pal Chaudhuri; Asian Test Symposium, Taiwan, November, 2004.
  • Non-linear CA based design of test set generator targeting pseudo-random pattern resistant faults: Sukanta Das, Anirban Kundu and Biplab K Sikdar; Asian Test Symposium, Taiwan, November, 2004.
  • CA based document compression technology: Chandrama Shaw, Biplab k Sikdar and N C Maiti; ICONIP, India, December, 2004; pp 679-685.
  • Cellular Automata Based Document Compression Technology For On-Line Network Transmission: Chandrama Shaw, Biplab K Sikdar and N C Maiti; ICECE2004, Bangladesh, December, 2004; pp 303-306.
  • Cellular Automata Based Test Structures with Logic Folding: Biplab K Sikdar, Sukanta Das, S Roy, Niloy Ganguly and Debesh K Das; 18th International Conference on VLSI Design, 2005, Kolkata, India; pp 71-74.
  • Non-linear Cellular Automata Based Design of Query Processor for Mobile Network: Sukanta Das, Sipra Das(Bit) and Biplab K Sikdar; IEEE SMC 2005 Conference, Hawaii, Oct 10-12, 2005; vol.3, pp 2751-56.
  • Synthesis of Testable Finite State Machine Through Decomposition: Biplab K Sikdar, Arijit sarkar, S Roy and Debesh K Das; IEEE 14th Asian Test Symposium, 2005, Kolkata, December 18-21, 2005; pp 398-403.
  • Cost Optimal Design of Nonlinear CA Based PRPG for Test Applications: Sukanta Das, Hafizur Rahaman and Biplab K Sikdar; IEEE 14th Asian Test Symposium, 2005, Kolkata, December 18-21, 2005; pp 284-287.

Courses Undertaken

Department of Computer Science & Technology, BESU, Shibpur - 7111 03, INDIA