IIEST, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)

Empowering the nation since 1856

आई आई ई एस टि, शिवपुर

भारतीय अभियांत्रिकी विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, शिवपुर

(पूर्व में बंगाल इंजीनियरिंग एंड साइंस यूनिवर्सिटी)

१८५६ से देश को सशक्त बनाना

Souvanic Roy


Department of Architecture, Town and Regional Planning

Academic Qualifications

  • PG Diploma in Housing and Urban Development (ICHUD), IHS, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Diploma in Urban Management Tools for Climate Change (DUMTCC), IHS, Rotterdam, Erasmus University, Netherlands
  • PhD, BESU Shibpur
  • MURP, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
  • B.Arch, University of Calcutta

Awards, Honors & Recognitions

  1. Nuffic Fellow ( Erasmus University, Netherlands)
  2. Faculty Research Program (FRP) Fellowship by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute to conduct research on Protected Area Governance in Canada
  3. Asia – Ford Follow up Award by Asian Scholarship Foundation, Bangkok to conduct research on Comparative Study of Protected Area Governance in Southeast Asian countries
  4. Asia – Ford Fellowship Award by Asian Scholarship Foundation, Bangkok to conduct research on Protected Area Governance in Thailand
  5. Gold Medal for highest score in Postgraduation
  6. Gold Medal for best thesis dissertation in Postgraduation (1988)



  1. Office: 033 2668 4561 to 63 (Ext. 406)
  2. Mobile: +91 98360 93392


  1. Email: souvanic@arch.iiests.ac.in, soy1roy@gmail.com

Area of Research

  • Urban and Environmental Planning
  • Urban Housing, Livelihood and Community Planning
  • Heritage Conservation and Urban Development
  • Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Planning
  • Cost Effective and Alternative Technology in Architecture
  • Community Based Natural Resource Management

Courses Undertaken


  • Urban Housing
  • Architectural Conservation
  • Climatology
  • Architectural Design Studio

Post Graduate

  • Urban Administration and Management
  • Infrastructure
  • Network and Services Planning Sudio

PhD Guidance

Completed: 1

Registered: 5

Recent Publications 

  1. Soft System Methodology as a Tool to Understand Issues of Governmental Affordable Housing Programme of India: A Case Study Approach, Journal of Institute of Engineers of India, 97(3),pp343-354,2016
  2. From Margin to Mainstream: Informal Street Vendors and Local Politics in Kolkata, India, L'Espace Politique (Online),29/2016-2 DOI:10.4000/espacepolitique-3903
  3. The Smart City Paradigm in India: Issues and Challenges of Sustainability and Inclusiveness, Social Scientist, Vol.44/Nos.5-6, pp 29-48,2016
  4. Applicability of Soft System Methodology in Problem Analysing in the Field of Affordable Housing, Shelter, Issue No. 17(1), pp 51-62,2016
  5. Tourism based Heritage Conservation in Murshidabad: An Appraisal, article accepted for publication in the “Journal of Heritage Tourism” published by Taylor and Francis (DOI no. 10.1080/1743873X.2016.1159685.
  6. Sustainable Slum Improvement Models: Ban Mankong in Thailand and PRODEL in Nicaragua, TerraGreen, Issue No. 7(12), pp 23-28,2015
  7. Smart City: Utopia and Reality, The Statesman 13th and 14th July,2015
  8. Climate Proofing of Indian Cities: Need for Paradigm Shift in Urban Development, Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Livable Habitat and Sustainable Infrastructure: A Key to Smart Growth” published by IIT, Kharagpur, pp 34-46, 2016
  9. Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Experience of Megacities in Asia, Proceedings of the “Asian University Network Forum on Advances in Research” published by Aichi Gakuin University, Japan, pp 37-48,2015
  10. Smart Cities-India’s New Urban Agenda? Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Urban Quest South Asia” published by South Asia Urban Forum, Colombo,Sri Lanka pp 27-39, 2015

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Architectural Design, The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9781472521576),pages 49-56, 2015
  2. Landuse and Infrastructure Development Strategy for Planned Transformation of Bally- Howrah-Uluberia Planning Area, Article in the book titled “Urban Development in Howrah: Socio-Economic Perspectives” published by Primus Books, New Delhi, pp 312-348,2015
  3. Eco-development and Biodiversity Conservation- A Study of Sunderban Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal, Article in the book “Insights from the Field: Studies in Participatory Forest Management in India”, published by Winrock International India , New Delhi, pp 221-242,2011
  4. Ecological Sustainability and Metropolitan Development: The Calcutta Experience, Article in the book titled “Waste Recycling and Resource Management in the Developing World” published by International Ecological Engineering Society, Switzerland, pp 293-302,2000
  5. Santhal Architecture, Published by Folk and Tribal Cultural Centre, Govt. of West Bengal, Calcutta,1998
  6. Evaluation of Shelter Strategies for Urban Poor: Case Study Metropolitan Calcutta, Article in the book titled “Housing Development and Management” published by Centre for Built Environment, Calcutta, India, pp 137-141,1996