Swati Saha
Department of Architecture, Town and Regional Planning
Academic qualification
- B. Arch (J.U),1979
- M.C.P (I.I.T, KGP), 1980
- Phd (IIEST, Shibpur), 2015
- Office : +91 33 2668 4561/62/63 (Ext. 410)
- Residence : 28/7,College Road, Howrah - 711 103, West Bengal
- EMail : swatisaha04@yahoo.com
Areas of research
- Environmental Planning
- Urban Planning
List of Publications (Last 10)
- Conservation Plan for Biodiversity Region through Application of PRA Technique - Case Study Indian Sunderban, National Symposium on Sustainability and the Built Environment, BESU Shibpur, Feb 2014
- Interior Landscaping for homes, National Seminar by Institute of Engineers, Kolkata, Nov 2003
- An integrated approach for the development of tourism around Digha - Workshop on Development of Digha by Digha Development Authority, 2003
- Role of industrial resurgence in achieving decentralized urbanization pattern - workshop jointly organized by B.E. College & ITPI, 1997
- Environmental quality determinant of new settlement morphology for an existing metropolis - Case Study of Kolkata - Environmental studies, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, 1997
- Sustainable economic development in Indian scenario-paper presented at IIED conference in Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki, 1995
- Towards strategy formulation for resource utilization, Industrial development and conservation of Himalayan range, West Bengal - National Town Planning Seminar, Coimbatore, 1994
- ”Highrise buildings in Metropolitan Cities” - Result of urban dynamism (case study Calcutta) - All India conference on tall buildings, Institute of Engineers, Roorkey local centre, 1993
- Present practice of Master Planning approach in West Bengal – A critical study, seminar paper presented in the 40th ATCP Seminar, Pune, 1992
- Planning for environ in a metropolis-A case study of Kolkata – ITPI Journal on the occasion of 39th National seminar, Kolkata, 1991