IIEST, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)

Empowering the nation since 1856

आई आई ई एस टि, शिवपुर

भारतीय अभियांत्रिकी विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, शिवपुर

(पूर्व में बंगाल इंजीनियरिंग एंड साइंस यूनिवर्सिटी)

१८५६ से देश को सशक्त बनाना

  • no-image-iiest.jpg

Courses offered to Undergraduate Students

Engineering Geology (for Civil Engineering) (GEO 301)

Contact Periods: (3L+ 1 T)

Semester ExaminationFull Marks- 70, Time- 3 hrs.
Internal Assessment Marks: 30.

Physical Geology- Weathering, Erosion, Transportation, Deposition,Geological Agents. Overall ideas about the work done by Geological Agents. The Earth- Origin, age, internal constitution. Geological timescale- a brief introduction.

Mineralogy – Definition of Minerals, Non-crystalline, Crystalline matter and Crystals. Physical Properties of Minerals in general. An Introduction to physical properties of Common Rock Forming Minerals and Economic Minerals.

Petrology- Definition of Rocks. Brief idea on different types of Rocks. Igneous Rocks- forms, structures and textures. Sedimentary Rocks- Genesis, Texture, Classification. Metamorphic Rocks – Factors controlling Metamorphism, Textures and Structures of Metamorphic Rocks. Petrography of: Granite, Basalt, Diorite, Granodiorite, Gabbro, Rhyolite, Pegmatite, Anorthosite, Sandstone, Shale, Conglomerate, Limestone, B.I.F, Micaschist, Gneiss, Quartzite.

Structural Geology – Brief idea about fold, fault, unconformity, lineation, foliation.

Geohydrology – Sources of Ground water, Hydrological Zones below the surface, porosity, permeability, aquifer-confined and unconfined, engineering importance of ground water study.

Engineering Geology – Importance of geological investigation in engineering projects, site selection for dam, bridge, tunnel & reservoir, stability of hill slopes along road and railway cuttings.

Courses offered to Postgraduate Students

1st Semester

Paper Subject (with subject code) Marks
Theoretical Paper I Igneous Petrology (PG Geo 101) 100
Theoretical Paper II

Geochemistry (PG Geo 102)

Mineralogy (PG Geo 103) 50
Theoretical Paper III Structural Geology (PG Geo 104) 100
Practical Paper I Structural Geology and Field Work (PG Geo105) 100
Practical Paper II

Igneous Petrology

Optical Mineralogy (PG Geo 106) 50

2nd Semester

Paper Subject (with subject code) Marks
Theoretical Paper I

Sedimentology (PG Geo 201)

Paleontology (PG Geo 202) 50
Theoretical Paper II

Stratigraphy (PG Geo 203)


Introduction to General Geophysics (PG Geo 204)

Theoretical Paper III

Metamorphic Petrology (PG Geo 205)


Geohydrology (PG Geo 206)

Practical Paper I Sedimentology and Paleontology (PG Geo 207) 50
Practical Paper II

Metamorphic Petrology Surveying (PG Geo 208)


3rd Semester

Paper Subject (with subject code) Marks
Theoretical Paper I

Tectonics (PG Geo 301)

Ore Geology (PG Geo 302) 50
Theoretical Paper II

Exploration Geophysics (PG Geo303)

Mining Geology (PG Geo 304) 50

Theoretical Paper III

EnvironmentalGeology (PG Geo 305)


Engineering Geology (PG Geo 306)

Practical Paper I

Ore Geology and Non Thesis Seminar (PG Geo 307)

Practical Paper II

Mine Visit and Geophysical Survey, Drilling Site visit (PG Geo 308)


4th Semester

Paper Subject (with subject code) Marks
Theoretical Paper I Fuel Geology (PG Geo401) 50
Geostatistics (PG Geo402) 50
Theoretical Paper II

GIS, Remote Sensing (PG Geo 403)

Computer Applications in Geology with software, Datamine/ Surpac (PG Geo 404) 50
Practical Paper I GIS, Remote Sensing Grand Viva (PG Geo 405) 50
Practical Paper II Thesis 150
Thesis Seminar 50


Total Marks:

Theoretical papers– 1100
Practical papers & Field Training Programme - 900