IIEST, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)

Empowering the nation since 1856

आई आई ई एस टि, शिवपुर

भारतीय अभियांत्रिकी विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, शिवपुर

(पूर्व में बंगाल इंजीनियरिंग एंड साइंस यूनिवर्सिटी)

१८५६ से देश को सशक्त बनाना

Dr. Chalantika Laha Salui

Assistant Professor (ON CONTRACT)

Department of Mining Engineering

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D, Calcutta University, 2016
  • M.Sc, Banaras Hindu University, 2004
  • B.Sc, Calcutta University, 2002



  1. Office:  488

  2. Mobile ( Optional ):  +919903894231


  1. Email: chalantika@mining.iiests.ac.in,

Area of Research

  • Remote sensing and GIS
  • Geo-hazards
  • Geo-morphological mapping
  • Site suitability analysis
  • Natural resources

Courses Undertaken

PG Courses

  • M.Tech in Geo-informatics
  • M.Tech in Mining Engineering

Recent Publications (Last 10)

  1. Paper entitled “River bank erosion hazard study of river Ganga, upstream of Farakka barrage using remote sensing and GIS.” In Springer-NHAZ (2012) Vol:61, pp-967–987.
  2. Paper entitled “Changing morphometry of Bhagirathi River, West Bengal using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques”, Jamia Geographical Studies, Vol:2-2013, pp-8-24.
  3. Paper entitled “Forest Suitability Analysis through AHP Spatial Decision Modeling”,  Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Resource Management, Dept. of Geography and Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, 2012, ISBN No.978-81-921692-2-4; pp- 33-44
  4. Paper entitled “Oscillation of meandering Bhagirathi on the alluvial flood plain of Bengal Basin, India; as controlled by the Palaeo-geomorphic architecture”, International Journal of Geomatics and geosciences, 2015, Vol:5(4), pp-564-572.
  5. Paper entitled “Analysis of the Changing Morphometry of River Ganga, shift monitoring and Vulnerability Analysis using Space-Borne Techniques: A Statistical Approach”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication; 2013, Vol:7(3), pp- 1-10.
  6. Paper entitled “Geospatial Analysis for Industrial Site Suitability Using AHP Modeling: A Case Study”, Environment and Earth Observation, Springer, 2016, ISBN No. 978-3-319-46008-6, pp- 3-21