Office of the Dean of Research and Development
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
(Formerly Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur)
Howrah- 711103, W.B.
Ph.No. (033) 2668-4561, Extn. 256
No:- DRDO/ENQ/001/16-17 Dated: 28.06.2016
Sealed quotations are invited from suppliers/vendors/manufacturers for supply of some items at the Office of the Dean, Research and Development, IIEST, Shibpur. Details about the items may be obtained from the link below. Quotations should provide all inclusive unit prices of items, and should be accompanied by a demand draft of Rs. 1000/- payable to the “Dean, Research and Development”, without which the quotation will not be accepted. The sealed quotations are to be submitted to the Office of the Dean, Research and Development, IIEST, Shibpur, during office hours on all working days and the last date of submission is 11th July, 2016.
Enquiry No. and Date should be mentioned on the top left hand side of the envelope.
Research and Development