Shyamalendu Kandar
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
Academic QUalifications
- M.Tech(IT), Jadavpur University
- B.Tech(CSE), Haldia Institute of Technology, (Under Vidyasagar University)
- Diploma in Management , IGNOU
- Pursuing Ph.D. from Jadavpur University
- Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah – 711103, India
Area of Research
- Secret Sharing
- Visual Cryptography
- Chaos theory
- Digital Image Forgery Detection
Courses Undertaken
UG Courses
- Formal Language & Automata theory
- Compiler Design
- Multimedia Systems
- Object Oriented programming lab
- Modelling and Simulation lab
- Compiler Design lab
- Image processing lab
Recent Publications (Last 10)
- Automata Theory and Formal Languages-Pearson Express series, published by Pearson Education, January 2012. ISBN 9788131760772.
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Computation-----Published by Pearson Education in 2013. ISBN: 9788131793510
- Random Sequence based Secret Sharing of an encrypted Color Image” RAIT, Dhanbad, March 2012 [IEEE xplore]
- “Symmetric key based block oriented digital enveloping” ICACCI-2012, Chennai, August 2012 pp 1131-1135 [ACM digital library]
- “A Novel 3-4 Image Secret sharing scheme”, ICACCI-2015, Kochi, 2015 pp-2072-2075 [IEEE xplore]
- A (k, n) Multi Secret Sharing Scheme Using Two Variable One Way Function with Less Public Values.” Information Systems Security,Vol 9478 pp 532-541 [LNCS, Springer]