Project Title: DST-FIST Project
Principal Investigator: Santanu Kumar Karmakar, Programme Coordinator, Project Implementation Group, Mech. Engg.
Sponsor: DST, Govt. of India
Project Title: Indo-US Centre for Research Excellence on Fabrionics
Principal Investigator: Sntanu Kumar Karmakar
Sponsor: Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF)
Project Title: Development of Wear Maps of Various Materials Under Different Environmental and Operating Condition
Principal Investigator: Santanu Kumar Karmakar
Co-Principal Investigator: Shyamal Chatterjee
Sponsor: AICTE
Project Title: Development of a Rule-Base for Fault-Diagnostic System
Principal Investigator: Shyamal Chatterjee
Co-Principal Investigator: Santanu Kumar Karmakar
Sponsor: AICTE