ORRCID 0000-0002-4792-3844 Total Citation: 1261 h-Index: 19 i-10 Index: 37
List of Books, Book Chapters, monographs etc.
1. Dr. Pijush Samui, Dieu Tien Bui, Subrata Chakraborty, Ravinesh C. Deo, HANDBOOK OF PROBABILISTIC MODELS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTIST, Elsevier Sc., 2019
2. Subrata Chakraborty, Atin Roy, Shyamal Ghosh, Swarup Ghosh, Metamodeling-Based Reliability Analysis of Structures Under Stochastic Dynamic Loads with Special Emphasis to Earthquake, in Risk Based Technologies P. V. Varde et al. (eds.), Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019,
3. P. Samui, S. Chakraborty and D. Kim (Eds.) Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Structural Engineering, IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA, ISBN13: 9781522505884| ISBN10: 1522505881| EISBN13: 9781522505891|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0588-4
4. Ghosh, S., Mitra, S., Ghosh, S. and Chakraborty, S., “Seismic Reliability Analysis in the Framework of Metamodeling Based Monte Carlo Simulation”, in Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Structural Engineering, Chp 6 Pg 192-208, (2017) IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA IGI Global
5. Chakraborty, Subrata; Bhattacharya, Gautam (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM - 2012), Springer, 2Softcover Softcover (also known as softback) version I ISBN 978-81-322-0756-6, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-0757-3, 2013
7. S Bhattacharjya and S Chakraborty, Efficient robust optimization of structures subjected to earthquake load and characterized by uncertain bounded system parameters In Structural Seismic Design Optimization and Earthquake Engineering: Formulations and Applications Eds. Plevris V, Mitropoulou, C Lagaros, ND, IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-4666-1640-0 (hardcover)- ISBN 978-1-4666-1641-7(ebook), 2012, 105-127
7. Subrata Chakraborty and Palash Chandra Sam, Reliability Analysis of Structures under Hybrid Uncertainty, in Safety and Risk Modeling and Their Applications Ed. Hoang Pham, Springer Verlag London 2011 pp76-100. DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-470-8
8. S. Chakraborty and A. Chaudhuri, Time Dependent Seismic Reliability Analysis of Structure with Uncertain System Parameter in Reliability Engineering Advances, Ed: Gregory I. Hayworth, 2009 (ISBN: 978-1-60692-329-0), NOVA Publishing House, New York.
9. S. K. Ray and S. Chakraborty, Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, S. Chand & Company Ltd., Ram Nagar, New Delhi 110055. 1st Edn 2002, 2nd Edn 2008.
10. S. Chakraborty, Safety Assessment of Structures Under Hybrid Uncertainty, CUED/C-MECH/TR-86, Sept.2003, (ISSN 0309-7420.), Dept. of Engng., Univ. of Cambridge.
------------------------------------------International Journals---------------------
Shyamal Ghosh, Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty*, Kriging Metamodeling Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Improved Seismic Fragility Analysis of Structures, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 10.1080/13632469.2019.1570395.
Sandipan N. Thakur, S Chakraborty, C.Ray , Reliability analysis of laminated composite shells by response surface method based on HSDT, Struct Engg and Mech In Revision
S Chakraborty, R Mandal, S Chattopadhyay, S Chakraborty, Investigation on the effectiveness of electrolyzed water in controlling the early age properties of cement mortar, Construction & Building Materials, 211 (2019), 1-11
Atin Roy, Ramkrishna Manna and Subrata Chakraborty, Support vector regression based metamodeling for structural reliability analysis, Probabilistic Engg Mech,55 (2019), 78-89.
Romio Mandal, S Chakraborty, P Chakraborty, Subrata Chakraborty, Development of the electrolyzed water based set accelerated greener cement paste, Materials Letters 243 (2019) 46–49 IF: 2.687
Sarada P Kundu, Sumit Chakraborty, Subrata Chakraborty, Effectiveness of the modified jute fibre as fibre reinforcement in controlling the physical and mechanical properties of concrete paver blocks, Construction & Building Materials, 191 (2018) 554–563.
Shyamal Ghosh, Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty Support vector regression based metamodeling for seismic reliability analysis of structures, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 64 (2018) 584–602
Shyamal Ghosh, Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier using Efficient Response Surface Method Based Simulation, Advances In Structural Engg. Online 2018 DOI: 10.1177/
Sondipon N Thakur, Chaitali Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Response sensitivity analysis of laminated composite shells based on higher order shear deformation theory", Archive of Applied Mechanics. 88 (2018),1429–1459
Mithu De, P Sengupta and S. Chaktaborty, Fundamental Period of Reinforced Concrete Building Frames Resting on Sloping Ground, Earthquake and Structures 14,(4),(2018) 305-312DOI:
Behrooz Keshtegar, Subrata Chakraborty. An efficient -robust structural reliability method by adaptive finite-step length based on Armijo line search, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, In Press.
Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, An improved robust multi-objective optimization of structure with random parameters, Adv in Struct Engg 21(11), 2018, 1597–1607
Swarup Ghosh, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty Seismic Fragility Analysis in the Probabilistic Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Framework: An Overview, Int J of Advances in Engg Sc and Appl Math (Online Avaialble)
Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis and Synthetic Ground Motion Generation for Performance Based Seismic Risk Assessment of Structures in the Northeast India, Int J of Geotech Earthquake Engineering, 8(2) (2017), 39-59 DOI: 10.4018/IJGEE.2017070103
Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Seismic performance of reinforced concrete building in Guwahati city, northeast India, Scientia Iranica, Transactions A: Civil Engineering 24 (2017) 1821-1833
Shyamal Ghosh & Subrata Chakraborty, Simulation Based Efficient Seismic Fragility Analysis of Existing Structures, Earthquake and Structures, 12(5), (2017) 569-581, DOI:
Papiya Das (Mondal), Aparna (Dey) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Control of underground blast induced building vibration by shape-memory-alloy rubber bearing (SMARB), Struct Control Health Monit. 2017;e1983.
Sondipon N Thakur, Chaitali Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, 'A new efficient higher order shear deformation theory for doubly curved laminated composite shell, Acta Mechanica, 228, 69-87, 2017 DOI 10.1007/s00707-016-1693-3 IF1.694
Papiya D. Mondal, Aparna (D.) Ghosh, Subrata Chakraborty, Performances of various base isolation systems in mitigation of structural vibration due to underground blast induced ground motion, Int. J. of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(4),(2017)1750043 (23 pages),DOI: 10.1142/S0219455417500432
------------------------------------------------------- 2016-----------------------------------------------------------
Bijan K. Roy, Subrata Chakraborty and Sudib K. Mishra Seismic vibration control of bridges with excessive isolator Displacement, Earthquakes and Structures, 10(6), 2016, 1451-1465, DOI: IF 0.693 SCI
Somdatta Goswami, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Reliability Analysis of structures by iterative improved response surface method, Structural Safety, 60, 2016, 56-66.
Sudib K. Mishra, Sourav Gur, Koushik Roy, Subrata Chakraborty, Response of Bridges Isolated by Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing subjected to Random Earthquakes, ASCE Bridge Engg. 21(3), 2016 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) BE.1943-5592.0000837.
Sandip Kumar Saha, Vasant Matsagar and Subrata Chakraborty, Uncertainty quantification and seismic fragility of base-isolated liquid storage tanks using response surface models, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 43,(2016) 20-35.
Subrata Chakraborty and Rama Debbarma, Robust design of tuned liquid column damper in seismic vibration control of system characterized by uncertain bounded parameters, Structure and Infrastructure Engg, 12(5), 592–602, 2016 10.1080/15732479.2015.1031142.
Saibal Ghosh, S Bhattacharjya, S Chakraborty, Behaviours of short fiber reinforced composite under shear, ICE Construction Materials. 168(6), 2015, 267-275.
Suprateek Roy, Sudib K. Mishra, Subrata Chakraborty, Performance of Alternative Wavelet Basis for Feature Based Damage Detection in Structures, Int J. of Life Cycle Reliability & Safety Engg. 1(4), 2015, 29-37.
Sumanta Das, Sourav Gur, Sudib K. Mishra and Subrata Chakraborty, Optimal performance of Base Isolated building considering limitation on excessive isolator displacement, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(7), 2015, 904-917.
Bijan Kumar Roy, Subrata Chakraborty, Robust Optimum Design of Base Isolation System in Seismic Vibration Control of Structures under Random System Parameters, Structural Safety, 55 (2015) 49–59. IF 2.039 SCI
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty, Robust optimum design of liquid column vibration absorber in seismic vibration control of structures characterized by random parameters, Struct. Engg Mechanics. 53(6)(2015) 1127-1141 IF 0.927 SCI
------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-----------------------------------------------------
Papiya Das (Mondal), Aparna (Dey) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Fluid viscous damper in mitigation of structural vibration effect due to underground blast, Int. J. Materials and Structural Integrity, 8(4), 2014, 273-290
Papiya D. Mondal, Aparna (D.) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Performance of N-Z system in mitigation of underground blast induced vibration of structures, J. of Vibration and Control. DOI: 10.1177/1077546313481050, 2014 20(13)2019-2031
Sourav Gur, Sutanu Bhowmick, Sudib Kumar Mishra, Subrata Chakraborty, Compliant Liquid Column Damper Modified by Shape Memory Alloy Device for Seismic Vibration Control, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 23(10),2014, 1-14. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/10/105009.
Tanmoy Chatterjee and Subrata Chakraborty, Vibration Mitigation of Structures Subjected to Random Wave Forces by Liquid Column Dampers, Ocean Engineering 87, 2014,151–161.
S Gur Sudib K Mishra, and Subrata Chakraborty, Stochastic Optimization of Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing (SMARB) for Isolating Buildings against Random Earthquake, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 2014, 21(9), 1222-1239, DOI: 10.1002/stc.1635
P. D. Mondal, A. (D). Ghosh, S. Chakraborty, Control of Underground Blast Induced Vibration of Structures Using Fluid Viscous Damper, J of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2(1), 2014, 27-33.
Bijan K Roy, Subrata Chakraborty and Sudib Kumar Misra, Robust optimum design of base isolation system in seismic vibration control of structures under uncertain bounded system parameters, J. of Vibration and Control., 20(5), l 2014,786– 800,doi:10.1177/1077546312466577.
Subrata Chakraborty, Arunabh Sen, Adaptive response surface based efficient Finite Element Model Updating, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 80, 2014, 33–40
Sourva Gur, S K Mishra and S Chakraborty, Performance assessment of buildings isolated by shape-memoryalloy rubber bearing: Comparison with elastomeric bearing under near-fault earthquakes, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, 21(4), 2014, 449-465 DOI: 10.1002/stc.1576 IF 2.082 SCI
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013----------------------------------------------
Sudib Kumar Mishra, Bijan K Roy and Subrata Charaborty, Reliability based optimization of base isolated building under stochastic earthquake load considering random system parameters. Int J of Mechanical Science, Elsevier Sc. 75, 2013, 123-133.
Sudib K Mishra, S Gur and Subrata Chakraborty, An improved tuned mass damper (SMA-TMD) assisted by a shape memory alloy spring, Smart Materials and Structures 22(9) 2013, 095016 (16pp), doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/9/095016
Sudib K. Mishra, Subrata Chakraborty, Stochastic optimization of Isolator for base isolated building under parametric uncertainty subjected to random earthquakes, Int. J. of Acoustic and Vibration. 18 (1), 7-19, 2013
Subrata Chakraborty and Palash C Sam, Safety Assessment of Hybrid Uncertain System: An Overview, Int J. of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, 2(1), 2013,23-34
Bijan K Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Optimal design of Base Isolation System considering uncertain bounded system parameters, Struct. Engg Mechanics, 46(1) (2013) 19-37.
Palash Chandra Sam and Subrata Chakraborty, Possibilistic safety assessment of hybrid uncertain systems, Int. J. of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering. 20(1), 2013, 1350002-1-19, DOI: 10.1142/S0218539313500022.
Bijan K Roy and Subrata Chakraborty , Robust Optimum Design of Tuned Mass Damper In Seismic Vibration Control Of Structures Under Uncertain Bounded System Parameters, Int. J. of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering. 1(3), 8-15, 2012
S. Chakraborty, S. Bhattacharjya and A. Haldar: Sensitivity Importance-Based Robust Optimization of Structures. Int J. Num. Methods in Engng. 90(10), 1207 - 1220, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/nme.3360.
Subrata Chakraborty, Rama Debbarma, Giuseppe Carlo Marano, Optimal Performance of Tuned Liquid Column Dampers Considering Maximum liquid Motion in Seismic Vibration Control of structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration 331,2012, 1519–1531.
Ajoy K Das, Achintya Haldar and S Chakraborty, Health Assessment of Large Two Dimensional Structures using Minimum Information – Recent Advances, Advances in Civil Engineering 2012, Article ID 582472, 16 pages doi:10.1155/2012/582472.
Subrata Chakraborty and Rama Debbarma, Stochastic earthquake response control of structures by Liquid column vibration absorber with uncertain bounded system parameters, Structural Safety. 33, 2011, 136-144.
Subrata Chakraborty and Bijan K Roy, Reliability Based Optimum Design of Tuned Mass Damper in Seismic Vibration Control of Structures with Bounded Uncertain Parameters, Prob. Engng. Mech. 26(2), 2011, 215-221
S Bhattacharjya and S Chakraborty, Robust optimization of Structures subjected to stochastic earthquake excitation under limited information on system parameters uncertainty, Engineering Optimization. 43(12), 2011, 1311-1330. DOI:10.1080/0305215X.2011.554545.
Subrata Chakraborty and Soumya Bhattacharjya, Improved robust design optimisation of structures, Engineering and Computational Mechanics 164(EM1), 2011, 47-57. DOI: 10.1680/eacm.9.00034
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Optimum design of liquid column vibration absorber under stochastic earthquake load considering random system parameters, Int. J. of Engng under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment, & Mitigation, 2(3-4), 2010, 115-122.
Giuseppe Carlo Marano, Emiliano Morrone, Sara Sgobba, Subrata Chakraborty, A fuzzy random approach of stochastic seismic response spectrum analysis. Engng Struct. 32(12), 2010 3879-3887.
S. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharjya and S. Chakraborty, Behaviour of short fibre reinforced composite under tension Part I: Theoretical study, Magazine of Concrete Research 2010, 62(9), 655-64. doi:10.1680/macr.2010.62.9.655
S. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharjya and S. Chakraborty, Behaviour of short fibre reinforced composite under tension Part II: Experimental Study, Magazine of Concrete Research 2010, 62(10), 717-722. doi:10.1680/macr.2010.62.10.717
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Optimum design of tuned liquid column dampers under stochastic earthquake load considering uncertain bounded system parameters, Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences 52 (2010) 1385–1393, doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2010.07.004
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Unconditional Reliability based design of tuned liquid column dampers under stochastic earthquake load considering system parameter uncertainties, J. of Earthquake Engng (2010), 14(7),970-988, DOI: 10.1080/13632461003611103
Sajal Ray and Subrata Chakraborty, Element level parameters identification of multi degree of freedom dynamic system, Int. J. of Acoustics and Vibration, 15(3), 2010, 113-120.
Palash Chandra Sam and S. Chakraborty, Reliability analysis of structures characterized by probabilistic and possibilistic uncertain parameters, Int. J. of Engg under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment, & Mitigation, 1(1-2), 2009, 63-72.
Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Robust optimization of linear dynamic system with random parameters under stochastic earthquake excitation, Int. J. of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 16(3),2009,1–19.
Sudib K. Mishra Samit, Ray Chaudhuri, Subrata Chakraborty and George Frantziskonis, Spectral characterization of the stochastically simulated vehicle queue on bridges, Engineering with Computers 25(4), 2009, 367-378.
Sajal Ray and Subrata Chakraborty, Damping Parameters Identification of Viscously Damped Linear Dynamic System, Int. J. Struct. Stability & Dynamics. 9(3), 2009.DOI 10.1142/S0219455409003132
Gargi Aditya and Subrata Chakraborty, Sensitivity based health monitoring of structures with static response, Scientia Iranica, 15(3), 2008, 267-274.
S. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharjya and S. Chakraborty, Compressive Behaviour of Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 59(8), 2007, 567-574.
S. Chakraborty and Palash Chandra Sam, Probabilistic safety analysis of structures under hybrid uncertainty, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70(4), 2007, 405-422.
A. Chaudhuri and S. Chakraborty, Reliability of Linear Structures with Parameter Uncertainty Under Nonstationary Earthquake, Structural Safety, 28(3), 2006, 231-246.
S. Roy, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Damage detection of coupled bridge deck-girder system, Finite Elements in Anal. and Design, 42, 2006, 942-949.
--------------------------------------------------------2005 and earlier-------------------------------------------
Sajal Roy, S. Chakraborty, S.K. Sarkar, Damage Detection of Bridge Girder Pier System From Modal Data, Int. J. Appl. Mech.& Engng, 10(4), 2005.
Latifa Sk and S. Chakarborty, Effective Moduli of Random Short Fiber Composite: A Probabilistic Study, J. of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 23(7), 2004, 751-760.
A. Chaudhuri and S. Chakraborty, Sensitivity Evaluation in Seismic Reliability Analysis of Structures Computer Methods in Appl. Mech. &Engng, 193,2004,59-68.
G. Bhattacharya, D. Jana, S. Ojha and S. Chakraborty, Direct Search for Minimum Reliability Index of Earth slopes, Computers and Geotechnics, 30(6), 2003, 455-462.
Bhattacharyya B. and S. Chakraborty, Stochastic Sensitivity of 3-D Elastodynamic Response subjected to Random Ground Excitation, Int. J. of Struct. Stability & Dynamics, 3(2), 2003, 283-297.
A. Chaudhuri and S. Chakraborty, Reliability Evaluations of 3-D Frame Subjected to Nonstatioanry Earthquake, J. of Sound and Vibration, 259(4), 2003, 797-808.
Bhattacharyya B. and S. Chakraborty, NE-MCS technique for stochastic structural response sensitivity, Computer Methods in Appl. Mech. and Engg, 191(49-50), 2002, 5631-5645.
S. Chakraborty and B. Bhattacharyya, An Efficient Three Dimensional Stochastic Finite Element Method, Int. Journal of Solids & Structures, 39(9),2002, 2465-2475.
Bhattacharyya B. and S. Chakraborty, Stochastic Dynamic Sensitivity of Uncertain Structures subjected to Random Earthquake Loading, J. of Sound &Vibration,249( 3), 2002, 543-556.
Ghosh R., S. Chakraborty and B. Bhattacharyya, Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis of structures using First-order perturbation, Mecanica, 36(3), 2001, 291-296.
B. Bhattacharya and S. Chakraborty, Sensitivity statistics of 3-D structures under parametric uncertainty, ASCE, J. of Engng. Mech., 127(9), 2001, 909-914.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, Stochastic Finite Element Simulation of Uncertain Structures Subjected to Earthquake Loading, Shock and Vibration, 5, 2000, 309-320.
Bhattacharyya B. and S. Chakraborty, Stochastic Finite element Method for Sensitivity Analysis of Structures, Applied Mech. & Engng, 5,(4) 2000, 867-882.
S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Analysis of a curved beam on uncertain elastic foundation, Finite Element in Analysis and design, 36, 2000, 73-82.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, An Efficient Stochastic Finite Element Simulation Technique for Random Field Problems, Applied Mech. & Engng, 4(1), 1999, 45-71.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, A Stochastic Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Structures with Uncertain Parameters, Int. J. of Mechanical Sc., 40(11), 1998, 1071-1087.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, Stochastic Finite Element Simulation of Random Structures on Uncertain Foundation Under Random Loading, Int. J. of Mechanical Sc., 38(11), 1996, 1209-1218.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, Stochastic Finite Element Method for Spatial Distribution of Material Properties and External Loading, Computers and Structures, 55, 1995, 41-45.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------National Journal
Gaurav Datta, Soumya Bhattacharjya, and Subrata Chakraborty, Adaptive metamodel based efficient robust design optimization of offshore structure under stochastic wave loading, J of Structural Engineering 44(3), 2017, 236-245.
Subrata Chakraborty, Efficient robust optimization of structures, ANNALS of INAE, Vol IX, 2012,151-160.
Dutta, Debarti and Chakraborty, Subrata, Random Variables Reduction in Reliability Analysis Using Sensitivity Information, Icfai J. of Structural Engineering, I(2), 7-21, 2008.
Sajal Roy, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Identification of locations and magnitude of damage in structure from measurement of natural frequency and mode shapes, J. of the Inst. of Engg. CE Divn, . 86, 2005, 67-71.
D. Mukhopadhya, S. Chakraborty and P. G. Bhattacharyya, A statistical study on compressive strength of recycled concrete, J. of the Inst. of Engg., CE. Divn., 2003. 83, 219-220.
S. Chakraborty and Asraful Islam, Damage Identification of Trusses from static strain Data, J. of the Inst. of Engg., CE. Divn., 2003, 83, 229-232.
G. Bhattacharya, N. Sanjeev Kumar and S. Chakraborty, A study on probability of failure of earth slope, J of Technology, Vol. XXXvi, No2, 2001, 13-23.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, Statistical Strength and Reliability of Randomly Oriented Fibre Reinforced Composites, J. of Struct. Engng, 22(3), 1995, 163-166.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Progress
Neethu B, Diptesh Das, Subrata Chakraborty, Fuzzy-Optimal Sliding Mode Control of Multi-span Bridges considering Soil Structure Interaction, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Corresponding
Saibal Ghosh, Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Behaviours of short fiber reinforced composite under flexure, communicated to Computers and Concrete, In Rev.
Swarup Ghosh Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty Generation of Seismic Hazard Curve and Synthetic Ground Motion for the North Eastern Region of India for Performance Based Seismic Risk Assessment, The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications, May 28-30, 2016, Shanghai, China
Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Stochastic Earthquake incorporating Parameter Uncertainty, The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications, May 28-30, 2016, Shanghai, China
Somdatta Goswami and Subrata Chakraborty, Adaptive response surface method based efficient monte carlo simulation, Accepted for 2nd Int Conf on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014), 13 - 16 July 2014, University of Liverpool, UK.
Subrata Chakraborty and Rama Debbarma, Optimum design of liquid column dampers under uncertainty, International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ICSEM 2013) 20th -22nd Dec. 2013 at NIT Roukela, Odisha.
Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, A comparative study on efficient fuzzy structural response analysis, ISTAM 2013 BESU Shibpur
Rama Debbarma, S Chakraborty, Robust optimum design of liquid column dampers in seismic vibration control, Int conf on advance s in Civil, Struct, Env Engg , Oct 12-13, 2013 Zurich Switzerland
Bijan Kumar Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Reliability based design of TMD system considering system parameter uncertainty in seismic vibration control, Int conf on Struct Engg and Mech (ICSEM-2013, Dec 20-22, NIT Roukela.
Somdatta Goswami, Shymal Ghosh, Subrata Chakraborty, Adaptive Response Surface Method Based Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation, Int conf on Struct Engg and Mech (ICSEM-2013, Dec 20-22, NIT Roukela.
S K Mishra, S Chakraborty, Optimal performance of buildings isolated by Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing (SMARB) subjected to random earthquakes, ICCMS 2012, Hyderabad.
Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S. “Reliability based design optimization of base isolated structures under random earthquake considering parameter uncertainty,” Asia-Pacific Symposium on Strutural Safety and Reliability, Singapore, May, 2012, doi:10.3850/978-981-07-2219-7_P309 .
S Chakraborty, S Bhattacharjya, An improved robust multi-objective optimization of structure characterized with random parameters, 6th Int ASRANet Conf., London, Croydon 2-4 July 2012
Rama Debbarma, S Chakraborty Constrained Optimum Design of Liquid Column Vibration Absorber in Seismic Vibration Control, 15th World Conf on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, 2012.
Bijan Kumar Roy, Subrata Chakraborty Rama Debbarma, Robust optimum design of tuned mass damper in seismic vibration control of structures, 15th World Conf on Earthq Engg, Lisbon, 2012.
S K Mishra, S Chakraborty, Reliability based optimization of base isolated structure under parametric uncertainty subjected to random earthquakes, 15th World Conf on Earthq Engineering, Lisbon, 2012.
Papiya D. Mondal, Aparna (D.) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Performance of N-Z Base Isolation System For Structures Subject To Underground Blast ISEUSAM2012.
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Reliability Based Design Of Liquid Column Vibration Absorber Under Stochastic Earthquake Load Considering System Parameter Uncertainties ISEUSAM2012.
Bijan Kumar Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Robust Optimum Design Of Tuned Mass Damper In Seismic Vibration Control Of Structures Under Uncertain Bounded System Parameters, ISEUSAM2012.
Marano, GC and S Chakraborty, Evolutionary algorithms for robust design in vibration control with uncertain bounded parameters, 2nd Int. Conf. on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Struct & Environ Engn, Chania, Crete, Grece, 6-9 Sept. 2011.
G. Quaranta, S. Chakraborty, and G. C. Marano, Robust design of tuned liquid column dampers under stochastic ground motion considering fuzzy uncertainties, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - COMPDYN 2011: 3rd Int Conf on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: An IACM Special Interest Conference, Greece, 26-28 May 2011
Palash Chandra Sam and Subrata Chakraborty, Barc Possibilistic Safety Assessment of Structures under Hybrid Uncertainty, Int Conf on Reliability, Safety and Hazard – 2010 Dec 14 –16, 2010 BARC, Mumbai.
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Kumar Ghosh, Reliability based design of tuned mass damper under random uncertain parameters, Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials a nd Techniques in Civil Engineering ICAMAT – 2010, Coimbatore, January 7 - 9, 2010.
Soumya Bhattacharjya · Subrata Chakraborty · Achintya Halder · A. Reyes-Salazar, A Novel Robust Optimization Method under Limited Uncertainty Information, 10th Int Conf on Structural Safety and Reliability (Icossar'09), Paper No. ICOSSAR2009: 0166, 2009.
Roy, Bijan Kumar; DebBarma, Rama; Chakraborty, Subrata, Design of Tuned Mass Damper under Bounded Uncertain Parameters, IABSE Symp, Bangkok 2009: Sustainable Infrastructure - Environment Friendly, Safe and Resource Efficient ,148-157(10), Publisher: Int Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. DOI:
B C Chattopadhyay and S. Chakraborty, A rational and economic design procedure for hammer foundation incorporating damping of the supporting soil, 8th Int. conf. on Vibration Problem (ICOVP 2007), Feb. 1-3, 2007, BESU Shibpur, India.
S. Ghosh, S Bhattacharya and S. Chakraborty, Mechanics of Steel fibre reinforced composite in flexural shear, Int. Conf on Civil Engng in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM-2007), Jan. 11-14 2007, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India.
Snigdha Saha and S. Chakraborty, Use of stochastic sensitivity in reliability-based structural optimization, Int. Conf on Civil Engng in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM-2007), Jan. 11-14 2007, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India.
Jafar Sadak Ali, Subrata Chakraborty and S.K. Sarkar, Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Structures under wind Int. Conf on Civil Engng in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges (CENeM-2007), Jan. 11-14 2007, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India.
A. Chaudhuri and S. Chakraborty, Integrated reliability evaluation of uncertain structure under nonstationary earthquake, ICOSSAR 2005, Rome Italy.
Subrata Chakraborty and Achintya Haldar, Robust Optimization Under Uncertainty, accepted in “IIIrd Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety and Hazard, December 1-3, 2005, organized by BARC, IIT, Mumbai and Society for Reliability Engineering Quality and Operation Management
Sajal Roy, Subrata Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Damage detection of plate from modal data, ICTACEM 2004, IIT Kaharagpur.
Bhattacharya G., Chowdhury S.S., Mukherjee S., and Chakraborty, S. (2004), Reliability Analysis of Earth Slopes - Effects of Deterministic and Probabilistic Models, Proc. of the Int. Conference on Risk Assessment in Site Characterization and Geotechnical Design, IISc., Bangalore, Dec., 2004.
Subrata Chakraborty, and Gargi Aditya, A new reliability evaluation algorithm for mixed random and uncertain but bounded variables, ICCMS 2004, Dec. 9-12 at IIT Kanpur.
S. Chakraborty and A. Chaudhuri, Stochastic dynamic analysis of structure under generalized fully nonstationary earthquake model, 13th World Conferences on Earthquake, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Aug.1-6 2004.
S. Chakarborty and S. K. Sarkar, Fully Stochastic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Earthquake, Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July 7-12 2002.
G. Bhattachrya, D. Jana, S. Ojha, S. Chakarborty, Search Algorithm for minimum reliability index of earth slopes, 3rd Int. Conf. On Landslides, Slope Stability & the Safety of infrastructures, Singapore, 10-12 July 2002.
B. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Perturbation-based stochastic sensitivity of piles subjected to random ground excitation, Int. Conf. on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2001), IIT, Khargpur, 27-30 Dec., 2001.
B. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Structures involving Parametric Uncertainty, Technical Report No. 950 (ISSN 0073-5264, Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UIUC), ICTAM-2000, Chicago, 27th August – 2nd Sept. 2000.
S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of a Curve Beam on Elastic Foundation, Int. Conf. on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, I. I. T., Kharagpur, 27-30 Dec., 1998.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, “Response of Uncertain System Under Harmonic Loading, Proc. of the Int Seminar on Civil Engineering practices in Twenty-first Century, 363-372, Roorkee, 1995.
Shyamal Ghosh, Ramkrishna Manna and Subrata Chakraborty, Metamodelling Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Efficient Seismic Reliability Analysis of Structures, 3rd National Conf. on Reliability & Safety Engineering (NCRS-2016), Dec. 1-3, 2016, Dept. of Mathematics, Keynote Lectures Chennai.
Subrata Chakraborty and S K Mishra, Improved Super-elastic Isolation System using a Ferrous based Shape Memory Alloy (FNCATB), Structural Engineering Convention 2016, CSIR-SERC, Chennai Dec. 21-23, 2016, Invited Lecture.
A. Debnath, S. Chakraborty, Identification of stiffness and damping parameters at element level for Structural Health Monitoring utilizing time domain dynamic response data, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, The Institute of Engineers (India), Kolkata, 2016.
Tawhidul Islam, Subrata Chakraborty, Chaitali Ray, An Efficient Response surface method based Finite Element Model Updating of Composite Structures, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, The Institute of Engineers (India), Kolkata, 2016.
Papiya Das (Mondal), Aparna (Dey) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty Comparative study on n-z and sma-assisted bearings for structural control against underground blast induced ground motion, ISSS 2016, Sept. 2016, IIT Kanpur
Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Seismic fragility analysis of a multi-span simply supported bridge pier located in northeast India, CEC – 2016, NIT Hamirpur, Sept. 9th to 10th, 2016Hamirpur(HP).
Prodip Kumar Sarkar, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, An Efficient responses surface method for seismic fragility analysis of existing building frame, 15th SEE, Roorke 2014 Dec.
Swarup Ghosh, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Non-linear seismic response of structures under recorded, simulated and synthetic accelerograms for North Eastern region of India, 15th SEE, Roorke 2014 Dec.
Rama Debbarma; Subrata Chakraborty, stochastic earthquake vibration control of structures using tuned liquid column damper under random uncertain parameters: a reliability based approach , SEC2014, New Delhi 2014 Dec
Subrata Chakraborty, Sesimic vulnerability assessments of existing building -developments and challenges, Dr. K.L. Rao Memorial Lecture, Nov. 15th, 2013 at 29th National Convention of Civil Engineers, Shillong
P. D. (Mondal), A. (D). Ghosh and S. Chakraborty, Control of Underground Blast Induced Vibration of Structures using Fluid Viscous Damper, VETOMAC 2010, New Delhi.
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Tuned liquid column damper in seismic vibration control of structures under random system parameters, 14th Sympo on Earthq Engng IIT, Roorkee Dec 17-19, 2010
Sudib K. Mishra, Subrata Chakraborty, Reliability of base isolated liquid storage tank under parametric uncertainty subjected to random earthquake, 14th Sympo on Earthq Engng IIT, Roorkee Dec 17-19, 2010.
S. Chakraborty and A. Chaudhuri, Structural reliability under generalized nonstationary ground motion, 13th SEE, ISET, 18th -20th Dec., IIT, Roorkee, 2006.
Subrata Chakraborty Safety assessment of hybrid uncertain systems characterized by probabilistic and possibilistic parameters, Managing safety: challenges ahead" on theme safety & hazard control on 14- 16, Feb., 2005 at New Delhi.
S. Bhattacharjya, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Robustness in Probabilistic Optimization of Structures, SEC 2005, IISc. Bangalore.
S. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharjya and S. Chakraborty, Mechanics of Steel Fiber Reinforced Composite Under Compression, SEC 2005, IISc. Bangalore.
Bhattacharya G., Chowdhury S.S., and Chakraborty S., Identification of Dominant Parameters for the Reliability Analysis of Slopes, Proc. of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, Warangal, Dec, 2004.
Gargi Aditya and S. Chakraborty, Health Monitoring Of Structures From Simulated Static Data, Structural engineering conf., SEC 2003, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 2003.
S. Roy, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar Damage Detection of Beam using simulated Free Vibration Data, Structural engineering conf., SEC 2003, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 2003.
Latifa Sk and S. Chakraborty, Reliability of Random Short Fiber Composite, Structural engineering conf., SEC 2003, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 2003.
S. Roy, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Damage Detection of Frame from Modal Data, Smart Materials, Intelligent Structures & System in Civil Engg, Association of Consulting Civil Engg, Bangalore. 19-21 June 2003.
Bhattacharya, G., Ojha, S., Jana, D. and Chakraborty S., A Direct Search Procedure for Determination of Critical Probabilistic Slip Surfaces for Earth Slopes. Proc. of the Symposium on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, 2003,I.I.T. Kanpur, India.
Rabindranath De, S. Chakraborty, Tapas Bandopadhyay, Radiation Shielding of Concrete With Special Aggregate, CONMAT 2003, IIT Kharagpur, Jan. 9-11, 2003.
Gargi Aditya and S. Chakraborty, Nondestructive methods for structural health monitoring: an overview, All India Inter Sc., Tech& Engng College Academic Meet, Feb., 2002, B.E.College Howrah.
B. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Response Sensitivity analysis of Soil-Plie System under Random Earthquake, conf. ISET Roorkee, 16-18th Dec., IIT,Roorkee, 2002.
A. Chaudhuri, S. Chakraborty and S.K. Sarkar, Sensitivity evaluation in seismic reliability analysis of structure, Conf. ISET Roorkee,16-18th Dec., IIT, Roorkee, 2002.
A. Chaudhuri, S. Chakraborty and B. Bhattacharyya Sensitivity Analysis Of Structures Subjected To Random Earthquake, Recent Developments in Structural Engg., Proc. Of Structural Engineering Convention, Roorke, Dec. 2001.
S. Bhattacharya, Sk. Jahangir Hossain and S. Chakrabortry, Artificial Damping by Pile Foundation to control Structural Response due to earthquake, All India Sem. on Lessons for Arch. & Engng.from Recent Indian Earthquake, 6-7Jan., 2000, Inst.of Engg., Roorkee.
S. Bhattacharya and S. Chakraborty, Recycled Concrete as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: An Overview, Int. Seminar on A quest for materials of construction in the 21st century, ASCE-India section, September 1998.
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, A study on stochastic finite element analysis, Proc. of the Sem. on DMCC, 25-26 Jan.1996, B. E. College Howrah.