Research Areas:
Micro- and nanoindentation, Composites Materials, Tribology, Shape Memory Alloys, Mechanical Alloying, Bio-materials.
Reaserch Supervisions:
Doctoral Thesis:
- Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite from biogenic resources (Submitted; Anindya Pal, PhD/R/2014/0106)
- Development and characterization of natural fibres based particulate dispersed polyester Composites (Ongoing; Bhabatosh Biswas, PhD/R/2017/0019)
- Design and development of multiphase Nano particles reinforced PEEK Composites (Ongoing; Tanmoy Chakraborty, PhD/R/2018/0048)
M.Tech Thesis:
- Awarded: 20 ; Ongoing: 04