Social Outreach Programme
- Various science awareness programs, several training programs (Under TEQIP) like Advanced Pottery, Metal Art, Batik, Jute diversification etc. were organized by this school.
- The objectives of these programs are to impart training to the marginalized people especially women Self-Help Groups of Howrah district in order to promote technology and create entrepreneurship.
- The training in Advance Food Processing & Preservation Technology had also been undertaken with the objective to improve the technical skills and knowledge in the processing of fruits and vegetables especially among the women of the rural areas.
- This particular endeavour resulted, following the initiative of this School, the creation of two SHGs namely Suktara and Prayas by the aforesaid women trainees of Howrah District.
Training Programme (Under TEQIP) Organized
- Computer Hardware Training Programme (2 Phases)
- Advanced Pottery Practice” for rural potters of Howrah District (5 phases)
- Advance Food Processing & Preservation Technology (8 Phases)
- Up gradation of Traditional Metal Art Work through Technology infusion
- Mason Skill Up gradation Workshop
- Training on “Value-added Jute Diversification Technology”(4 phases)
- Modern Technology in Small Scale Industry Handicraft of Traditional BATIK (2 phases)
- Hands-on-training and Demonstration Of Food Extruder & Extrusion Technology base Products (2phases)
- Orientation Training for Canteen Staff at BESUS
CSR Project
- Besides the local activities as mentioned above, the school has also been involved in outer world mega scale activities by being associated with the social benevolent programmes of large industries like the Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE), Kolkata.
- GRSE, a Govt. of India undertaking under the Ministry of Defense has entrusted us (SOCSAT) towards accomplishment of their “Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR)” project, for imparting training in different modules to the unemployed youth around the locality in Metiabruz, Kolkata” where the GRSE plant is situated.
- The collaborative effort resulted imparting training on 8 different modules to the unemployed youth of Metiabruz locality for the last two years with the financial assistance of Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd.(Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme). Until now, more than 1000 unemployed youths have been benefited after having been able to get the training.
Vocational Skill Development Training

- After successful consecutive two years programs with GRSE as mentioned above, it was conceived to have a long term initiative to carry out similar programmes for the under privileged people for imparting the training in various modules – so that employability as well as livelihood opportunities become enhanced.
- Keeping this in mind, a tripartite MOU with Garden reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. (GRSE) and Kolkata Police has been signed on 9th January 2014.
Tripartite MOU ,BESU-GRSE- Kolkata Police

Director, IIEST, Shibpur delivering lecture on MOU signing Day,9th January,2
Sharing MOU Document
Modules conducted (2011-2017)
During The Mention Period SOCSAT Has Conducted Skill Development Training Programme On The Following Modules:
- AC repair & maintenance
- Electrical (Domestic & Industrial)
- Plumbing
- Media& Entertainment
- Automobile
- Welding
- Food & Beverage
- Carpentry
- Repair of Domestic Electronic Appliances