Dr. Tapan Kumar Kar
Department of Mathematics
Academic qualifications
- 1990: B.Sc. (Honours) (First Class first) (Calcutta University) Major: Mathematics, Minors: Physics and Chemistry.
- 1993: M.Sc.(Calcutta University)(First class 2nd) Applied Mathematics, Specialization: Mathematical Biology.
- 1993: Qualified “National Eligibility Test (NET)” conducted by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University Grants Commission (UGC)
- 1993: Qualified “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)”, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India.
- 1994: M.Phil (Calcutta University) Applied Mathematics, Specialization: Mathematical Ecology.
- 2004: Ph.D. (Jadavpur University), Thesis title: Some Mathematical Models on Bioeconomic Harvesting Problems of Multispecies Fisheries. Supervisor: Professor Kripasindhu Chaudhuri, Jadavpur University.
- 2005-07: Post Doctoral Fellow (JSPS) Yokohama National University, JAPAN
- 2013: Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
- 2014: JSPS Invitation fellow, Kyushu University, Japan.
Teaching experience: 21 years
- 1996-2001: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India.
- 2001-2005: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India.
- 2005-2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India.
- 2008-2011: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India
- 2011: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
- Office: +9133 2668 4561 to 63 (Ext. 529)
- Phone: +91 98361 95503
- Residence: EE-103/1, Salt Lake, Sector-II, Kolkata-700091, West Bengal, India
- Email: tkar@math.iiests.ac.in, tkar1117@gmail.com
Area of Research
Research Experience: 23 Years
- Dynamical systems
- Stability and bifurcation theory
- Population dynamics
- Mathematical ecology: Theoretical studies on ecology, population management, food chain, conservation of aquatic ecosystems, sustainable use of ecosystem services.
- Modeling and control of epidemiological problems.
- Mathematical modeling of eco-epidemiological problems.
- Pest control
- Impact of invasive species on the sustainable utilization of native species
Courses Undertaken
All the Mathematics courses at graduate level.
Post Graduate
- Special functions
- C-language
- Computer programming
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Mathematical Ecology
Recent Publications (Last 10)
- Paul, Prosenjit, Kar, T. K. and Ghorai, Abhijit, Impact of marine reserve on maximum sustainable yield in a traditional prey-predator system. Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations 54(2018)34-49 (Elsevier).
- Ghosh, Bapan, Pal, Debprasad, Kar, T. K. and Valverde, Jose C. Biological conservation through marine protected areas in the presence of alternative stable states, Mathematical Biosciences 286(2017)49-57 (Elsevier).
- Paul, Prosenjit and Kar, T. K., Impacts of invasive species on the sustainable use of native exploited species, Ecological Modelling 340(2016) 106-115 (Elsevier).
- Paul, Prosenjit, Kar, T. K., and Ghorai, Abhijit. Ecotourism and fishing in a common fishing ground of two interacting species, Ecological Modelling 328(2016) 1-13 (Elsevier).
- Jana Soovoojeet, Haldar Palash and Kar T. K, Optimal control and stability analysis of an epidemic model with population dispersal. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 83(2016)67-81. (Elsevier).
- Ghosh, Bapan, Kar, T. K. and Legovic, Tarzen, Relationship between exploitation, oscillation, MSY and extinction, Mathematical Biosciences, 256(2014)1-9 (Elsevier).
- Ghosh, Bapan, Kar, T. K. and Paul, Prosenjit, Extinction scenarios in exploited system: Combined and selective harvesting approaches, Ecological Complexity 19(2014)130-139 (Elsevier).
- Ghosh, Bapan, Kar, T. K. and Legovic Tarzan, Sustainability of exploited ecologically interdependent species, Population Ecology 56(2014) 527-537 (Springer).
- Ghosh, Bapan and Kar, T. K., Possible ecosystem impacts of applying maximum sustainable yield policy in food chain models, Journal of Theoretical Biology 329 (2013) 6-14 (Elsevier).
- Kar, T. K. and Jana, Soovoojeet, Application of three controls optimally in a vector-borne disease - a mathematical study, CommunicationsNonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (2013) 2868-2884 (Elsevier).