IIEST, Shibpur

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

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Critical linkages between quality management practices and performance from Indian IT enabled service SMEs.


Details of Research Critical linkages between quality management practices and performance from Indian IT enabled service SMEs. The Article, Published by Basu, R., Bhola, P., Ghosh, I., and Dan, P.K. in Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 29(7-8), 2018 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to critically investigate the relationship among quality management (QM) practices with their direct and indirect effects on performance outcome by means of conceptual extension and generalisation. The paper uses factor analysis and structural equation modelling which has been tested using cross-sectional data collected from IT enabled small and medium service firms in India. The analysis shows the interdependency of QM practices and the importance of a systematic approach for managing QM practices. The findings from this study indicate that the nature of the interrelationships between these core QM practices is unique to the Indian context. The unique contribution of this study has been in terms of its model-building approach towards designing a linkage model showing interdependencies among critical QM practices with its direct and indirect effects on performance outcome. Such a holistic framework with plausible interaction effects has not been studied earlier in the Indian context with sector-specific relevance to IT enabled service SMEs. Further the paper recommends suggestions for improvement along with managerial implications and future scope of study.

Theorizing “Strategic Transition Towards Organizational Hybridism”: Action Research With CINI India 2017

Details of Research Theorizing “Strategic Transition Towards Organizational Hybridism”: Action Research With CINI India The Article Published by AnjanGhosh and Sougata Ray in Academy of Management, Best Paper Proceedings 2017. Abstract Across sectors, organizational attempt in blurring institutional boundaries and becoming hybrid has become an emergent phenomenon in today’s rapidly changing world. For organizations in institutionally legitimated form, it is a very challenging to change their current form and to defy wide-ranging institutional expectations. It is thus important to study how organizations navigate these challenges and the strategies they deploy to convince their internal and external stakeholders for becoming hybrid. However, extant literature has paid little attention to the process of organizational transition towards hybridism, as against the challenges confronted by organizations that are already hybrid. To develop insights on the process of transitioning to hybridism, we conduct three and half years participatory action research in a leading Indian nonprofit. Our findings suggest a transition process consisting of incubation, structural separation (sponsored spinoff), strategic integration and facilitated diffusion. We show how the exchange between parent and spinoff may influence the degree of hybridity for both the organizations. We also reveal the dynamics around organizational configuration during such transitions. We argue that this framework has relevance for other organizations under pressure to become hybrids. Community+, a social entrepreneurship model developed in this research that situates at the interface of strategic change, social development and hybrid form, has been selected by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India for piloting.

Neoteric Quality Improvement Approach in Resource Constrained Indian Service SMEs: A Concept Note 2017

Details of Research The Article Published by Basu, R., Bhola, P., and Dan, P.K in International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. Vol. 21 (4), 2017. Abstract The present study endeavours to observe and reconnoitre the improvement practices rooted amidst quality environs in Indian service SMEs milieu. A mixed method strategy combining qualitative and quantitative statistical techniques, analyses to expound on a conceptual model in the context of improvement implementation under major resource constrained situation, have been explicated in the recommended proposition. A neoteric improvement practice has been proposed in this work, built upon exploratory learning and analysis using OLS regression method. The pattern depicts three improvement zones viz., spasmodic, isochronous and continuous. This study recommends Indian service SMEs to adopt isochronous improvement which is not a continuous incremental procedure but is sufficiently effective with relatively lesser difficulty and with somewhat less rigor.

Modified swarm intelligence based techniques for the knapsack problem 2017

Details of Research The Article, Published by Kaushik Kumar Bhattacharjee and S. P. Sarmah in Applied Intelligence.Vol. 46 (1), 2017. Abstract Swarm intelligence based algorithms have become an emerging field of research in recent times. Among them, two recently developed metaheuristics, cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) and firefly algorithm (FA) are found to be very efficient in solving different complex problems. CSA and FA are usually applied to solve the continuous optimisation problems. In this paper, an attempt has been made to utilise the merits of these algorithms to solve combinatorial problems, particularly 01 knapsack problem (KP) and multidimensional knapsack problem (MKP). In the improved version of CSA, a balanced combination of local random walk and the global explorative random walk is utilised along with the repair operator; whereas in the modified version of FA, the variable distance move with the repair operator of the local search and opposition-based learning mechanism is applied. Experiments are carried out with a large number of benchmark problem instances to validate our idea and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms. Several statistical tests with recently developed algorithms from the literature present the superiority of these proposed algorithms.

Customers’ Precedence for Service Quality Dimensions in Indian Private Healthcare Setting: A RIDIT Approach 2017

Details of Research The Article, Published by Rajeev Kumar Panda and Rama KoteswaraRaoKondasani in Hospital Topics Vol. 95(4) 2017. ABSTRACT Changes in demographic and sociocultural environment, improved health awareness, and information technology have considerably changed the outlook of healthcare sector in India. While both the public and the private healthcare sectors have priority of increasing access while minimizing costs, they try hard to achieve goals without letting the quality suffer. Customers with rising disposable income no longer have faith in the public healthcare system and are willing to migrate to the private healthcare sector, which is more professional, technology savvy, and trustworthy. However, there are enough loopholes in the private healthcare sector that are yet to be plugged. The purpose of this research study was to identify and assess the relative importance of the diverse service quality dimensions and prioritize them to draw meaningful conclusions. Survey responses from 370 customers were analyzed using factor analysis to find underlying relationships between the survey items. This allowed the individual items to be placed into related groups. Independently, a ridit analysis was conducted to determine the relative importance of each item to the survey respondents. Based on the ridit analysis a priority ranking was assigned to each item. An analysis was then undertaken of the degree to which the items grouped into each particular factor tended to have high or low priority rankings. The results of the study may be helpful to the managers of the private healthcare sector to focus their strategies and plan their efforts in line with the findings to gain superior customer satisfaction and retention.

Service Quality Perception and Behavioural Intention: A study of Indian Private Hospitals 2016

Details of Research The Article, Published by Rama KoteswaraRaoKondasani and Rajeev Kumar Panda in Journal of Health Management Vol. 18(1) 2016. Abstract Private health care organizations are increasingly realizing the need to focus on service quality as a tool to improve their position in the highly competitive health care sector. Patients’ perception about health care services seems to have been largely ignored by health care providers in Indian private hospitals. The objective of the research is to analyze how customers’ service quality perception leads to positive behavioural intention towards service providers. For this purpose, the data were collected from a sample of 475 customers from Indian private hospitals. The analysis was used to analyze the customer service quality perception and behavioural intention. The findings indicate that service seeker and service provider relationship, quality of facilities and the interaction with supporting staff have a positive effect on customer perception. This piece of research may help the health care managers and organizations to formulate effective strategies for ensuring better quality of services to the customers. This study may further facilitate them in building positive behavioural intention of customers towards the health care services, thereby attracting and gaining more number of customers.

Impact of Quality Management Practices on Performance Stimulating Growth: Empirical Evidence from Indian IT enabled Service SMEs 2016

Details of Research The Article, Published by RanaBasu and PrabhaBhola in International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management vol. 33(8) 2016. Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore and identify the contextual quality management practices (QMP) and to empirically examine their underlying dimensions and its direct influence or association with performance in context to Indian IT enabled service small- and mid-size enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach: The methodology adopted in this study is sequential exploratory mixed method approach. This study adopts two stage processes of capturing data, first identifying critical QMP/indicators as obtained from review of literature, followed by in-depth interview based on semi-structured questionnaire from sample of 20 select service SMEs. Based on comprehensive compilation of literature as well as through in-depth interview 21 QMP have been identified. Structured instrument has been developed taking measures as identified. The QMP relevant to SMEs have been derived from Kaynak (2003), Samat et al. (2006), Salaheldin (2009), Kim et al. (2012) and Talib et al. (2013b). The research instrument developed was customised and adapted to the background of Indian IT enabled service SMEs. Similarly for measuring quality performance five items have been identified from previous literature. Five-point Likert scale ranging from “5=strongly agree” to “1=strongly disagree” is used to show the agreement of the respondents. Exploratory factor analysis has been deployed to identify underlying dimensions of QMP. Thereafter, linear regression modelling has been done to better understand the relationships between QMP and quality performance. Findings: A three-factor solution has been obtained and the individual practices could be reconfigured into three dimensions, namely, organisational management, capacity management and quality documentation and security management (QDSM). The findings reflect that strength of Indian IT enabled service SMEs pertaining to quality implementation lie with customer focus, training and service-level management (SLM). Regression analysis shows that all three factor dimensions are positively influencing quality performance. The predictor score of three factor dimensions clearly reflects that Indian SMEs in service sectors have been focusing more on organisational culture and QDSM. The overall findings resemble very interesting insights which gives indication of unstructured pattern of approach. Keeping in view the pattern of practices it can be predicted that Indian digital SMEs are not practicing continuous improvement. It could be inferred that Indian IT enabled service SMEs approach is non-continuous in nature. Research limitations/implications: Further analysis may be needed to measure the construct using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The research paper is limited by including only six service sub-sectors which may not be adequate to generalise the results for the entire IT enabled/digital service SMEs within India. The same study can be extended by incorporating more quality management (QM) variables and other contextual factors within the organisation and by involving other service sector SMEs. Future research could be done by incorporating multi-contingency framework and moreover researchers may deploy other sophisticated tools and techniques to investigate how individual QMP are interrelated and its influence on performance by means of linkage research. The conceptual model developed can be validated by incorporating other service sector SMEs by deploying CFA and structural modelling. Practical implications: This study could be beneficial to entrepreneurs and managers of start-ups and other service industries towards understanding improvement and changing their implementation approach. The theoretically grounded conceptual framework developed could provide entrepreneurial insights to new service managers and entrepreneurs who can better allocate their scarce resources to build quality and scalability effectively. Originality/value: This study adds to the literature in identifying and showing importance of QMP in Indian IT enabled service SMEs. This choice is appropriate for this study as no prior research has been found to be conducted on this particular sector from Indian context, especially from service SMEs point of view. This research contributes in identifying new QMP (i.e. service reporting; content management; SLM and information and security management). Overall, the results of this study contribute towards advancing the understanding of the dimensionality of QM. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first study being undertaken in context to Indian IT enabled service SMEs and is believed that the study provides valuable knowledge from the perspective of QM issues pertaining to Indian service firms.

Customer Perceived Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Study in Indian Private Healthcare Sector 2015

Details of Research The Article, Published byRama KoteswaraRaoKondasani& Rajeev Kumar Panda in International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Vol. 28(5). 2015. Abstract Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to analyse how perceived service quality and customersatisfaction lead to loyalty towards healthcare service providers. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 475 hospital patients participated in a questionnairesurvey in five Indian private hospitals. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, regression andcorrelation statistics were employed to analyse customer perceived service quality and how it leads toloyalty towards service providers. Finding: Results indicate that the service seeker-service provider relationship, quality of facilitiesand the interaction with supporting staff have a positive effect on customer perception. Practical implications: Findings help healthcare managers to formulate effective strategies toensure a better quality of services to the customers. This study helps healthcare managers to buildcustomer loyalty towards healthcare services, thereby attracting and gaining more customers. Originality/value: This paper will help healthcare managers and service providers to analysecustomer perceptions and their loyalty towards Indian private healthcare services.

Integrating Fuzzy MCDM Methodology to Investigate Quality Management Practices in Indian Digital Service SMEs 2015

Details of Research The Article Published byBasu, R., and Bhola, P in International Journal of Services and Operations ManagementVol 25 (2). 2015 Abstract: Managing quality has become an imperative for digital enterprises in service sector to gain competitive advantage and to achieve long-term business success. Considering the pressing need; issues are investigated here. This paper develops a concurrent framework to explore and prioritise quality management factors in context to Indian digital service SMEs by combining AHP-TOPSIS under fuzzy environment. The multistage methodology, propounded in this article delves into unexplored indicators of contextual quality management practices leading to new contribution towards the findings in a much refined manner. Furthermore, the model has been validated using NGT in order to reinforce the findings.

Exploring Quality Management Practices and its Pattern Analysis in Indian Service SMEs 2015

Details of Research The Article Published byBasu, R., and Bhola in Journal of Enterprising Culture Vol. 23 (2) 2015. Abstract: Substantial research exists on quality management practices in context to large organisations with plethora of studies in manufacturing organisations while exiguously aiming service sector SMEs. As more and more organisations strive to remain competitive, the concepts and practices of quality management have received increased attention by Indian industry. The contribution of service sector in Indian economy has increased at a faster rate in comparison with other sectors. Considering the pressing need this research explores the literature for a near exhaustive list of practices in quality management by deploying qualitative and descriptive approach. Thereafter, twenty service organizations were surveyed for comprehending their adoption of the type of quality management practices. On the basis of their prioritization or apportioning weight to those practices, a descriptive pattern analysis has been deployed to detect perceived level of adoption/implementation of quality management practices. The findings represent that out of twenty one quality management practices; thirteen practices substantially have been ranked on priority while others require phenomenal acclimatization towards implementation in the Indian scenario. Analysis also reflects that the strength of service SMEs lies with customer focus, management leadership and customer feedback. Further with the integration of contextual factors, as supported by theory, a conceptual framework has been proposed exhibiting relationship between quality management practices with performance and growth. The methodological approach led to the emergence of unique dimensions culminating into new findings with both managerial and entrepreneurial implications. Directions for future scope of research and suggestions for improvement have also been recommended.

Assessing customers' perceived service quality in private sector banks in India 2014

Details of Research The Article Published by Rajeev Kumar Panda and Rama KoteswaraRaoKondasani in Serbian Journal of Management Vol. 9(1) 2014. Abstract This paper aims at constructing a measure of service quality for Indian private sector banks. The SERVQUAL model was used. In total 28 variables were considered to find their relative importance from customers’ point of view. Factor analysis was used to reduce redundant variables and finally four dimensions were identified that are the dependability with facility, guarantee, security with value added services and compassion with cordialness. Then RIDIT test was done to identify the prioritization pattern that customers assign to different variables. The result shows that customers believe that bank’s effort in instill confidence in customers, the bank’s concern for customers’ best interest and safety standards in transactions are vital factors for improving customer satisfaction.

Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm and its Application to 0/1 Knapsack Problem 2014

Details of Research ThisArticle Published byBhattacharjee, K.K. and Sarmah, S.P. in Applied Soft Computing Vol. 19, 2014. Abstract This paper proposes a modified discrete shuffled frog leaping algorithm (MDSFL) to solve 01 knapsack problems. The proposed algorithm includes two important operations: the local search of the ‘particle swarm optimization’ technique; and the competitiveness mixing of information of the ‘shuffled complex evolution’ technique. Different types of knapsack problem instances are generated to test the convergence property of MDSFLA and the result shows that it is very effective in solving small to medium sized knapsack problems. Further, computational experiments with a set of large-scale instances show that MDSFL can be an efficient alternative for solving tightly constrained 01 knapsack problems.



A Framework to Identify Service Quality Determinants of IT Enabled Scalable Ventures: A Study from Indian Context 2014

Details of Research TheArticle Published byBasu, R., and Bhola, P. in Journal of Information and Knowledge ManagementVol. 13 (4), 2014. Abstract The introduction of information and communication technology (ICT) has altered the service delivery around the world by making it more accessible and cost effective across e-service markets. In a country like India the problem of health is an enormous one where a majority of poor are outside the effective medical network. In order to address these problems many information and technology (IT) oriented new ventures have been established to eliminate the gap in health inequity by creating network of hospitals exclusively in non-urban areas. Despite of huge popularity of these services, identifying the quality of such services need careful attention. Exhaustive review of literature highlights that there exists little understanding for such a study in IT enabled Indian healthcare domain in context to new ventures/start-ups with an emergence of a gap. With the increasing rise of technology enabled new healthcare ventures there have been high rates of failure too due to lack of providing quality service, so it has become imperative to prioritize the contextual and sectoral specific settings of service quality issues as it is being felt increasingly that it is the quality that would ultimately decide the value of services. This paper thus attempts to prioritize the context specific service quality dimensions in IT enabled scalable healthcare ventures from Indian context with focus in non-urban regions by deploying technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methodology as multi-criteria decision making technique. Further this paper proposed a conceptual model as conjectural understanding of the antecedents to the start-ups and as a guide that can provides new entrepreneurial insights to the service managers who can better apportion their resource in order to build quality and scalability.